Battle Field

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I walked back to camp, Jane in hand, and a huge smile on my face. I didn't think that my smile would ever leave, I was so happy that I don't think I'd ever stop. Jane gave me a gentle kiss on the cheek before we made it back to camp.

Alec stood at the edge of the forest with a boyish grin. Jane rushed to him and wrapped him in a hug. I smiled wider at the two of them, and Jane's excitement. She let go of her brother and held out her hand to show him her ring. Alec acted surprised like this was the first time he'd seen it, even though he was the one who stole it in the first place.

He smiled and gave her another hug. I walked over to the two of them. Alec grinned at me and patted me on the back. I grinned back at him. I was so thankful for Alec's help, I didn't even know how to express my gratitude. Alec's smile turned into a look of warning, which surprised me.

"You listen to me Kian. You better be the best damn husband on this planet, because I swear if you treat her badly I will literally bite your head off." Alec threatened. Jane rolled her eyes and punched him lightly on the arm.

"I promise you brother, you don't have to worry about me." I smiled. I liked the way brother sounded when I said it. I had never had a brother before. Alec gave a satisfied nod.

"I'm proud to call you a brother." Alec smiled.

"Thank you. That means a lot." I was touched by his words. Alec wasn't the sappy type, so when he said things like that you knew he meant it.

"I'm your best man, right?" Alec asked with his mischievous grin.

"Of course. There's no one else in this world who I'd want to be my best man more than you." I assured him. Alec smiled happily.

"But Alec, if your Kian's best man, then who's going to be my maid of honor?" Jane asked with a smirk. Alec rolled his eyes.

"I'm sure you'd look beautiful in the dress brother." Jane added with a snicker. Alec shrugged his shoulders like he actually agreed with that statement.

"I look good in everything I wear sister, but you must already know this. I am the more handsome one of this family." He smiled impishly. She elbowed him in the stomach, he gasped as the air was knocked out of him, and held his stomach with his hands. Jane smirked at him, before walking over to me and taking my hand.

"We should tell Aro the news!" She exclaimed excitedly. I had to bite my tongue so I wouldn't argue. She was so excited and I wasn't going to ruin that for her, with my abhorrence for Aro. I gave Jane a swift nod and a small smile.

We walked up to Aro hand in hand. He gave us a questioning glare, but didn't send us away. Jane stood up straight, and waited reverently for him to speak. I had to hold back the urge to snarl at the slimy man.

"What is it my child?" He asked her. His voice made my shoulders tense.

"Aro we have some news," She grinned. She was practically bouncing up and down in excitement. "me and Kian are engaged!" She exclaimed. The corners of Aro's mouth turned upward slightly.

"That is very good news, my dear Jane. Your happiness gives me happiness." He said in his fake caring tone. I grew furious at his lies. He didn't give a shit about our happiness! He was willing to risk all our lives for some stupid rule! I wasn't sure if Aro noticed my fury or not, but if he had he didn't say anything.

Members of the gaurd came back with other nomadic vampires. Aro had apparently asked some to gather 'witnesses'. They wouldn't join in the fight they were just there to see that justice was delivered.

My nerves started to return to me. They had disappeared for a while after Jane had agreed to marry me, but the impending fight really put a stop to any lasting joy.

Aro called for us to get into formation again. We quickly lined up silently. I kept Jane's hand tightly in mine. I'd protect her from this. She wouldn't die, not today, and not ever. We'd never have to experience life without the other. We were going to be fine, I'd do everything in my power to make sure we would be.

We started running through the forest again. The only sound being the light patter of hundreds of feet hitting the hard ground. We ran for what seemed like hours.

Without warning Aro slowed to a walk. Then I realized why; in front if us was a large muddy field, a group of many vampires waiting at the other side. Their nervous eyes flickering over each of us.

I took in a deep breath preparing myself for what was about to come. I held Jane's hand tighter. I wasn't going to let go of her unless absolutely necessary.

I decided to tell her one last time how I felt about her, just in case something went badly.

"I love you Jane." I whispered.

"I love you too." She whispered back stroking the back of my hand with her thumb.

We walked closer to the group. I searched for my target. I met eyes with the girl I was supposed to block. She kept her yellow eyes on me. She looked worried and scared. A man with wild copper colored hair held her close to him. He must be her mate; the mind reader. I really didn't want to do this. I didn't want to put my life on the line for this. I was infuriated and terrified that Jane was risking her life right along with me.

I glanced at all of them, noting the two Aro had instructed not to kill. The girl was standing closely to a blonde boy. Her eyes stared blankly ahead. She didn't look like much, but if she could really see the future than I could see why Aro wanted to add her to his collection.

I found the boy quickly too. He looked nervous and passed glances to many members of the gaurd. I felt bad for him. He seemed so scared. He didn't seem like he deserved to die. None of these people did. They weren't as evil as I had pictured them to be. They looked like normal vampires. I didn't want to kill them.

My dead heart dropped as I saw large wolves come from the forest. I don't think that large would be the best word to describe them. They were massive. I could see why vampires feared them so much.

A blonde man who I assumed was their leader stepped up. His mate followed closely behind him.

"Hello Carlisle." Aro greeted in his wicked tone. That poor man. That poor family. They were about to be destroyed.

Love is Pain II Jane X OC IIWhere stories live. Discover now