nineteen ➢ ahead of the curve

657 51 22

sept 7, 1993

siya groaned rubbing the back of her neck. her reading glasses were barely on her face at this point. she'd been staring at her textbook so long the words were nothing but fuzz. celine was at the dance studio, so she decided to study in their dorm. she picked up early courses as a promise to her parents, and was paying for it. before the fall semester rolled in she was already cramming for test and exams. an upside was her schedule would - hardly - be more open in the afternoon in a few months. she looked down at the watch on her wrist and sighed.

after slipping her shoes on she met nas outside of the girls building. he greeted her with a kiss on the cheek as they walked hand and hand to the café. they sat in their usually booth catching up.

"yo, don't sweat it too much" nas spoke before taking a bite out of his donut.

"i thought i hated learning about agriculture in high school" siya huffed causing the loose coils in her face to move than land back in place. nas smirked at the small gesture.

"siya" he wiped his mouth before continuing, "you got a few more weeks 'til it's over. maintaining a b plus. you buggin' out" he knitted his left hand with hers.

she nodded, "i know. i have to get the best grades or my parents will have me on the first plane outta here"

"you're already ahead of the curve" he reminded her giving her hand a comforting squeeze. she looked down at their connected hands releasing a deep breath.

"right. i'm babbling. tell me what's up with you" she placed her free hand under her chin with a charming grin.

"well" his expression mirrored hers, "we put some money together and booked a studio session"

"you are on a steady incline" she gushed, "already performed up here at some joint this summer. now clif is going to actually be inside the booth. you been working on beats too right?"

his eyes grew big at the question. it wasn't something he was really into, but he had seen some boards in the window of a music shop. it amazed him how well she knew him. he took notice to his slang she was picking up on too.

"how did you know that? i was just thinking about it. it's not like i have any equipment or anything like that" he watched her as he spoke. she admires him - hung onto his every word. she was so interested in what he had to say all the time. he was the same way, but guys are supposed to listen. supposed to be head over heels stuck on the pretty doe eyed beauty.

"i mean you got some records. what else would you need? maybe you'll find that other stuff soon" she encouraged.

she's been inside his dorm a couple times. taking notice of all the genres he indulged in. everything from hip hop to jazz to funk to blues to disco. he even let her borrow a few tapes and cds of sounds he enjoyed.

"that stuff is expensive. maybe i can play around while clif is spitting" he shrugged.

"yeah. i mean y'all are paying for the studio time" she reached inside her bag looking for the pager that was going off at the bottom of it. once it was found she huffed and again her hair reacted to her frustration.

"my parents." she dropped the device back in her bag. nas quickly dropped money on the table and held the door open for her as they exited. he took her hand in his while they made their way to a pay phone. her hand was still in his while she caught up with her parents. it made him think about his own family dynamic.

"sorry about that. it's one of the rules" she apologized after she put the phone back on retriever.

"i understand baby" he spun her than they walked towards campus.

"so i'm baby now?" siya's arched brow rose in a teasing manner. nas looked over at her taking notice to the slight tint to her cheeks.

"yeah. is that a problem?" he challenged.

"i didn't say that" she looked down at their intertwined fingers.

let her tell it every moment they spent together was perfect. the constant conversation the blissful silence.

"baby?" he tested as their footsteps slowed. whenever they made it closer to their build those steps were taunting.

in such a short time they found some routine. meeting before or after her courses. the café for tea and breakfast sandwiches, talking about their day, walking back to campus, and so on. it was perfect and in the back of his mind nas was trying to pinpoint what he did to deserve this. just being in her presence was a blessing.

"yes?" she looked up at him through her wispy lashes the corners of her full lips turned up. the sun kissed her brown skin so beautifully. for a moment his mind went blank as he savored her aura.

"have i told you how beautiful you are?" he blurted. at that she threw her head back in laughter.

"boy cut it out" she swayed their conjoining hands back and forth.

"i'm serious. inside and out" he halted his steps placing his hand under her chin forcing her to look up at him.

"thank you baby" she blushed looking into his eyes.

people were all around, but they were in their own little world. saying their farewells siya returned to her side of her shared dorm. celine was refreshed probably from a shower. she was stretching and siya joined her.

"you just glowing. if i didn't know any better i would think you got some" celine said with a raised eyebrow.

"we haven't even kissed yet" siya scoffed.

"aw how cute" she gushed teasing her friend more.

"girl bye. all in my business" siya rolled her eyes and they both laughed shortly after.

"seriously, it's nice to witness. when i first met him i had a feeling y'all would hit it off" she shrugged rolling her mat up and putting it away.

"really?" siya asked. this was her first time mentioning it.

"yeah. you know opposites attract so" again she shrugged. siya thought about that, but said nothing. besides celine was peeling her covers back - she'd be down for her nap sooner than later.

opposites attract.


the way this book is at 12k views. i'm mind blown and so grateful! love y'all so much! 💞

don't y'all just love when everything is going perfect in a story? before all the drama and headaches?

me neither 😌

buckle up bitches

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