eighteen ➢ upside of ny

780 64 22

august 29, 1993

nas had pep in his step making his way to the familiar dorm hall. celine and siya were joining him and clif to attend a party, but they were pregaming on the girls floor. the past few days were a dream. he'd called home checking up on his brother and got to wish his mother a goodnight twice. of course he was worried, but there was only so much he could do. clif thought it was a good idea they start experiencing the upside to being at nyu.

clif knocked on their door making a beat against the small window. celine opened it waving them in. she kissed clif sweetly before speaking to nas. he gave her a simple nod taking a seat on one of their beanbags. he felt awkward realizing siya wasn't present.

his eyes took in her side of their shared area. numerous drawing lined the wall as well as vinyls. micheal jackson's bad. whitney houston. mary j blige what's the 411. swv it's about time. he made a mental note of them all. she had taste.
her bed was made. her shoes were stacked neatly in a rack.

the lovebirds were catching up about their day when he's lady walked in looking as beautiful as could be. how could someone be so damn gorgeous?

"hey y'all" she greeted them before walking over to nas with open arms. he quickly stood, then lifted her off the ground momentarily.

"hey you" he replied placing her back on the ground pecking her forehead, "you look beautiful"

she beamed at the compliment, "thanks. you do too"

he sat back down and she sat on her bed fixing her laces to the converse she wore.

"whose ready to party?" she clapped wiggling her eyebrows.

soon enough they were passing around a bottle of hennessy pouring some into their solo cups. the party didn't start for another half hour or so, but it only made sense to pregame. they were playing a game of uno taking sip every now and then.

"i need a spliff yo" clif confessed after finishing his first cup and nas nodded in agreement. clif was a lightweight and nas wasn't much of a drinker either.

"you smoke?" siya looked over to nas.

"i stay high" he shrugged. the girl exchanged looks before laughing shortly.

"what about you two. y'all smoke?" clif asked as he patted around his pockets.

celine shrugged, "sometimes"

"what about you love?" nas pulled a card from the deck before dropping the blue 3.

"i've never tried it" siya confessed before dropping a blue 8 on top of the small pile.

"to new experiences" celine dropped a blue 5 than raised her solo cup. they all touched solo cups.

"to new experiences" in unison they all drank.

out of respect clif sat in the backseat with celine. they were cracking jokes and rolling blunts - except siya of course. nas promised to teach her how soon. they had brought the bottle of hennessy to his lincoln and continued to fill their solo cups. nas sparked his first taking a few hits before passing it to the beauty in the passenger seat.

"i don't know what i'm doing" her southern accent thick with intoxication.

"watch me. so you hit it and than allow it into your lungs" she held the split up to his lips for him. than she took a slow steady pull and coughed.

"girl you not supposed to hold it in forever" celine laughed from behind her. siya shook her head and quickly handed it to her friend. they kept a nice rotation going and by the time the second one was lit siya knew what she was doing. nas turned up the cd he was listening to for a while lowly. he looked over at siya with hooded lids and a crooked grin.

"what?" she mumbled her voice with an raspy undertone. he shook his head before sipping some of his warm liquor.

"yo i could go for a good ass burger" clif confessed after the car had fallen completely silent. the girls exchanged looks over their shoulder and burst into laughter.

"let's go grab a bite" nas shrugged.

they decided it was safer to walk. it was the diner they sat in the day the met. plus it was close to the frat house the party was being held at. they were quickly seated and attended to. the guys picked up the tab and celine rode clif's back on their way out.

"you enjoying yourself?" nas asked staring down at the coily haired brown skin. her low eyes glowed as she grinned up at him and nodded her head.

"how about you? this is fun right?" she replied before her front teeth seeped into her plump lower lip. he nodded before his fingers tangled with hers.

the music was audible from the lawn. they quickly slipped inside between numerous bodies. nas and clif quickly found the kitchen to grab drinks. the girls were already dancing by the time they returned. nas handed her beverage over than placing a hand on the center of her back. they fell into a comfortable rhythm keeping up with the upbeat song playing. when the music switched so would they.

nas would whisper everythings into her hair when they stumbled back to her dorm. they were taking the long way which was indeed the long way enjoying each other's presence.

"you got the sweetest serious face" she confessed slurring far more than before. he chuckled at the compliment.

"you are so beautiful. the most beautiful woman in the world actually" he swung their connected hands back and forth. she smiled that perfect million dollar smile and laughed sweetly.

"oh gosh. you just saying that" she waved him off.

"i'm serious. siya you drop dead gorgeous" he released a deep breath teasingly, "you got some ass on you too girl!"

she rolled her eyes before they locked eyes and began to laugh. her laugh alone made him laugh. his heart seemed to thump rapidly with every passing second. as they made it to her hall he contemplated checking his heart rate.

"i enjoyed myself nasir" she turned to look up at him through hooded lids.

"oh i'm nasir now?" he teased once their hands disconnected.

"it's on your birth certificate" she poked his nose and giggled at his dull expression.

"good night beauty queen" he ran a hand over his waves his eyes trailed down to his feet.

"good night" she unlocked her dorm door easing it open. he stood there for a second watching her, as it begin to close. it stopped halfway and she pulled him forward placing a lingering kiss to his right cheek.

"get in safe. call me" siya's charm bracelet clattered as she waved him goodbye.

he pumped his fist as he made his way back to his dorm. he made a trip to the bathroom and smirked at the glossed lip print against his face while he washed his hands. that smirk was engraved even after he drafted off to sleep.


happy father's day! i'm drawing a blank but thanks again and enjoy 💓 excuse my mistakes

muse; nasir jonesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora