seventeen ➢ in that moment

747 67 21

august 24, 1993
siya was born late, it made sense the first official day on campus she'd be late too.

her parents; more so her father - weren't too pleased helping her move in the day before, but there wasn't too much they could do now. her and now roommate, celine had spent the whole day organizing their room. siya had been maneuvering around so fast it was giving her whiplash, but she didn't think too deep into things.

siya still hasn't quite caught up on her sleep and she was having this eerie feeling that she was running out of time. she laid back onto her twin sized bed and closed her eyes just taking it all in. she wasn't sure how long she'd been laying there or even when her friend left. she just rolled over in enough time for her returning with a dimpled grin on her face.

"clif and nas are getting settled in" she mumbled before getting comfortable on her own bed. that night for the first time in a while, she slept deeply.

those fuzzy thick eyebrows. those warm mysterious eyes. raspy velvet voice. that crooked goofy grin. that scowl. it seemed like they were coming to an end when she knew that wasn't the truth. this felt more like a farewell, but she pushed those thoughts away when he looked at her like she hung the moon. these feelings were drowning her, but as she fell under she felt as though she could finally breathing. this was right. she wasn't running out of time only the time was set.

she overslept by seventeen minutes. they both rushed through their morning routines and sighed once they noticed the long lines everywhere. lucky for them all they needed was their books. all of their financial issues were dealt with before they moved in. the library was buzzing. celine looked through the crowd in search of the section with her final book after almost an hour. they were both growing frustrated as they squeezed and maneuvered through the bodies.

celine saw the rack labeled 'pre-law' across from cliff just pushing him to the side. siya looked up at him and apologized before following behind her friend.

"got everything?" siya asked after grabbed her last book and celine nodded.

"all set. you?" celine adjusted the textbooks in her hand.

"yep. think clif will be fine with us jumping the line?"

clif accepted a kiss on the cheek as an apology for celine practically knocking him over. they joined him in line, now nearly at the checkout. siya shuffled back and further anxiously paying the love birds no mind. they were engaging in conversation that she tuned in and out barely replying when she was spoken to. clif gestured past her while celine greeted his friend. he was finished before they were. the name nas made bells and whistles sound ringing deeply inside of her mind.

she turned to look at him. he seemed to be the only thing she could see clearly. she got lost in those warm slanted eyes. eyes she'd seemed to know. didn't she? her eyes moved from his toward his pink lips - his uncomfortable scowl turned into a grin. the room was spinning and standing still all at the same time.

without realizing she smiled at him too. she felt like pulling her heart through her shirt and handing it over. it was already his and she knew it.

"nice to meet you" she stated.

he looked down at her lips with his eyebrows knitted together in confusion, "i'm sorry?"

"i said it's nice to finally meet you" she motioned towards their friends with her free hand, admiring his clean short cut he'd just ran his hand over.

"likewise beautiful" he kissed her knuckles gently flustering the southern girl.

they walked out of the library in step, walking far behind their roommates. he carried her books and his own with no complaint. she couldn't drop the goofy smile she wore with him next to her. usually she wouldn't care to be so close to some guy, but it's like her soul was begging for him to stay forever.

"you hungry?" he asked once they'd dropped her books off to her dorm. celine and clif were at the boys dorm leaving the two alone. probably breaking in the twin-sized bed.

"yeah" she chewed on the inside of her cheek, "i know somewhere we can go"

they sat across from each other in the same little spot her and celine became friends in. it felt perfect.

"you ever been here?" she asked over her cup of orange juice. he shook his head no looking over his menu.

siya's mind flooded with thoughts of the new york native. how was it possible to be so cool without trying? was he interested? why the hell did it seem like she knew him?

"i think-" his raspy voice scratched, "siya... this might sound crazy, but..."

he looked up from his menu and shook his head. before she could ask him what he was saying their waiter came to take their order.

"i'll have the veggie burger with" she looked down at the side options.

"sweet potato fries" they spoke in unison and she looked at nas in surprise.

"and for you sir?"

"i'll take the, uh, chicken tenders with french fries and-"

"a small cup of honey mustard" they spoke in unison again. the waiter - gabe - cooed.

"finishing each other's sentences? how long have you two been in love?" gabe teased collecting their menus.

"feels like forever" nas smiled sweetly at her.

siya wasn't sure how she knew all the little things she did about him. it was nice that he was smiling, but took notice to the scowl that set on his face more often. as she gazed over his expression and body language the wheels turned in her mind. she truly felt like he was meant for her. the idea didn't scare her in the slightest. if she was falling deeply madly in love with a native boy she'd just met so be it.

after all these years, of not being interested in anyone at all, it seemed to answer all these questions she didn't even have. she could never put a name to a face when it matter, but now this was the only.

"this will be our spot" she concluded and he looked over at her. he wasn't sure how every time he looked at her it felt like the first time all over again.

"i'll follow you to the ends of the earth just because you led me there" he answered with a wink.

they ate their food in a comfortable silence. for the rest of the evening they strolled around campus talking like they always did. it was so hard saying goodbye once the sunset. nas was envious of her skin for not being apart of it.

not much to say but ALL black lives matter ✌🏽🖤 sign petitions and donate if you can. i don't promote going out and protesting because that everybody can handle that, but i will say i'm glad to say that i did. stay blessed. thank you!

muse; nasir jonesWhere stories live. Discover now