one ↬ too young

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the dreams started at 13. at that age she was naive to the fact she was falling in love while she slept. back then they were nothing more than dreams.

a rumor had spread throughout the schoolyard from a group of giggly girls about these dreams. parents were warned that their children may have starting to dream about their soulmates.

her parents gave her 'the talk' before she was excused for the night. she denied having any dreams other than the usual stuff - fairies, angels, and all the other things that were magical and pretty. she'd heard that if you were dreaming about boys before the age of 15 you would lose your mind or you were maturing too fast. she didn't think she was too mature for her age - she just wanted to be a kid.

"so what are they like?" siya whispered to one of her classmates.

"well violet says that she can't remember the whole dream, but she knows he's really cute. and he doesn't go to school with us. she's not even sure if he's from texas" she mumbled in return.

"why is she seeing them now? we're only 13"

"well my mom thinks it starts once you hit puberty, but I doubt that."

"well i heard my mom say she started having dreams about my dad once my grand dad got sick"

"who knows. it's different for everyone" the girl shrugged eyeing her, "are you having those kinds of dreams?"

"no. i don't even remember most of the dreams i have when i wake up" she scanned the classroom.

that night she tossed and turned awkwardly in her sleep.

"i'm only 13." she whimpered.

"i'm only a few months older than you. i thought i told you that" he shifted his stance.

"we're too young. i don't even know what love means. i know i love my parents. i love cartoons and drawing, but i'm not sure if i love you. this is wrong" her eyes welled with tears.

"it doesn't matter how old we are. if we're soulmates - we're soulmates. i understand that you're scared, but we don't have to be all grown up about it. let's just keep having fun. now wipe those tears" his accent was heavy with every reassuring word.

"ok. no grown up stuff. thanks for making me feel better" she gripped the handles of the swing set.

"it's part of my job siya. i mean i am your soulmate" he teased.

she groaned, "don't remind me"

"one day you are going to love me and be sure about it too" he pushed her swing forward lightly.


"i️ swear"

i know it's been a while, but i started this story over repeatedly. i was very unhappy with my original work, but please bare with me. these chapters will get longer and better and i'm so sorry it took me so long to update please forgive me. don't be shy - drop a comment and don't forget to vote! thank you! 🌷

muse; nasir jonesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz