Chapter 4

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Luke's POV...

'So that's about it?' I asked. Kronos nodded. He just finished telling us how he found Percy. Which reminds me, she has been so quite through all this, I may have forgotten she was there at all. Is she even ADHD?

'You have something to add?' Ethan asked her. All eyes turned towards her. She hesitated for a moment, before saying, 'No.'

Etan thought for a moment. 'How do we know you are not a spy for the gods?'

'I'm not', she said and I think there may have been a hint of anger in her tone.

'Prove it.'

She paused for a moment. 'I swear on the River Styx...' I internally cringed at that. Styx was not a good experience. '... that I am no spy for the gods.' Her oath was sealed by the thunder which followed. 'In fact, I am no longer on their side', she muttered but everyone heard it.

Now that surprised me. 'Why?'

She looked uncomfortable. 'Does it matter?' Kronos asked. He looked at me straight in the eye.

'Of course it does-', Ethan began but I cut him off, 'Drop it.' He looked at me incredulously. Okay confession time, I might think of Percy as a sister, a very cute one at that too. However, I knew enough to guard those feelings. I mean, I used to think of Annabeth as a very cute sister too but she did not even think twice before turning her back on me. Sure, I did "betray" her first but at least I spend some sleepless nights thinking and re-thinking things. At least she could thought why I did that (her mother's supposed to be the goddess of freaking "wisdom"!) before judging me. And the same with Thalia (though her father is known for his stupidity). Last time I met her, threw me off a cliff.

'So are you on our side?' I asked, and then recomposed myself (because that sounded odd), 'I mean, do you want to join us?' I focused all my attention on her and ignored the gaze Ethan was directing towards me.

Her eyes widened slightly for a moment. 'Um... yes, thank you...very much,' she whispered the last part.

'Well, then I think the problem's solved,' Kronos said, and I got a feeling he was trying to lighten the very tense atmosphere.

'Um, just one more thing,' Ethan said. I raised my eyebrows and mentally groaned. 'Shouldn't she live with us? I mean... the demigods. Cause this is the Titans' side of the House.' Hmm, that's a good one, I thought. Forget what I said about mentally groaning. We looked at Percy and she shrugged, 'Sure.'

Percy's POV...

 "Moving" me, was no problem. Considering I did not have any possession, save Riptide itself. I lost my camp necklace while I was on the run somewhere.

Kronos's "House" was like the biggest estate I have ever seen with the biggest mansion ever. But what surprised me was the fact that it was all on top hill. They also have big and impressive gardens with fountains and flowers and things. They had technology in it too, since monsters were not much of a problem (though Kronos whispered to me that they couldn't really have had a separate room with so many computers if it wasn't for the demigods being complete brats and wanting to play video games). How do they get internet? No idea but maybe it is magic... uh, combined with science. They also have a big swimming pool (I had to stop myself from drooling when I saw it). It was only when we reached the "demigod's side" of the house, that Kronos asked to have a word with me.

He took me out of earshot of the demigods before saying anything, 'Um Percy. I... know why you left the gods. Just thought you deserve to know.'

My pressed my lips for a second. 'How?'

'Um... Tethys, somehow found out, and... like... told the entire Council.'

Wait, did he just say the entire council? Now I need to think about this. So I said the most common thing people say, 'That's... okay.'


'I don't mind... just... you'll won't tell anyone, will you?'

'Oh no. You can trust us.'

Trust, I haven't really trusted anyone except my mom; but even then I used to (and still do) hid things from her. I gave a small smile, 'Thanks.'

'This is your room,' Luke said, opening one of the numerous doors of the third floor of the mansion. His hands searched for the light switch, and finally finding it. As light flooded the room, I saw a comfrey bed on one side. There were just the basic requirements. A table with some things, a chair, a closet (got to see what's in there later), an attached bathroom and a balcony which gave me a view of the backyard with the forest. It was airy enough for a single person.

I turned around scanning the entire room.

'So... 'Luke began, 'I'll be at the first floor. Second door to the right. You missed dinner so we got you food,' he pointed at a plate of steaming food on the table and I am a hundred percent sure it wasn't there before. 'Breakfast's at 7. We'll... let you settle down.' And he closed the door, cutting my view of Kronos, Ethan and him.

I thought I'd as well get "settled". I placed Riptide on the table and picked up the fork. But it turned out I didn't have much of an appetite. I placed my plate on the table, and to my surprise, it immediately disappeared. Well, that was... magic, my rational part deadpanned.

 No matter how much I turned and twisted in bed, I couldn't go to sleep. It felt like something was out of the place. Like I was missing something. Something big. I groaned and looked upwards, at the digital clock on the table. 12: 54 am. Ugh, seriously? I was going to go back to trying to go back to sleep but the date at the bottom caught my eye. August 18. Hmm... 18. 18. 18... WAIT! 18! August 18! My birthday! The Great Prophecy! There was a choice I had to make or something... wasn't there? I jolted up in bed.

5 minutes left...

Nothing. I stared intently at the clock.

4 minutes left...


3 minutes left...

'Happy birthday Percy,' I said to myself, because the eerie silent was uncomfortable.

2 minutes left...

'Happy birthday to me,' I said again.

1 minute left...


And we hit the next day.

I half expected the Earth to explode. But again it was... nothing. Well, save the fact that my birthday just passed away right before my eyes.

I slid back in bed with disappointment. What was that? Is the prophecy cancelled, or am I not the demigod? Is it Nico or Thalia? Or is it... fulfilled? Whatever... that was pretty boring. But on the defense of anything "interesting", I did turn sixteen. Yay, I am older now. I feel into a strange, dreamless sleep.

Hola! Two chapters within the same day just as promised.

I know this story is very boring but I try my best. So... you know what? I think I am gonna go and get something to read, maybe along with something to eat.

Excuse me.

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