Chapter 5

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Percy's P.O.V....

I woke up to the deafening ringing of the alarm clock. Groggily, I dragged myself to the bathroom and then threw open the closet doors after dragging myself out of the shower. It had some clothes, a pair of flip-flops I don't think I'll need anytime soon, a pair of sneakers, my good old shoes I used while on the run (only they were clean and stitched) and some other things.

I got dressed (which was hard; considering I still had my shoulder bandaged) and got out of the room, closing the door behind me. I looked at my wristwatch, which I had found lying innocently on the table. I had some time left before breakfast. But the problem was; I didn't know where I am supposed to head for breakfast. And there wasn't anybody around.

I checked for the stairs I used last night to get to my room with Luke, Ethan and Kronos. I had enough sense to memorize the route, for in case I get lost then I'll be able to at least to get to the Titans' side (I am getting accustomed to their terms). But to my surprise the stairs weren't there; and I am serious!

I stupidly walked the whole length of corridor, took a left turn and then a right. And voila, I found myself in a circular room with eight freaking doors before I even realized it. Have you already guessed it or do I need to say it? I was lost.

I don't understand what they need eight doors for. And even if they did, why did they make the room circular with no labels on the doors? It was easy to get lost in a mansion as big as Kronos's. I mean, it was just a brick away from becoming a castle!

I felt like I have entered the labyrinth again. I tried my luck and span round on my heels; and went through the first random door I came face-to-face with. It led to a corridor (ugh, another corridor!) with doors on both sides and no windows. It was eerily quiet and empty and looked like nobody had walked through it in ages. My steps thudded along the hall as if I was a giant. All the walls were empty; no paintings, no trophies or animal-heads. Just the old red boring wallpaper.

And that's when I heard it. Crying. Not the yelling, tantrum-type crying, but soft broken sobs as if the person (or titan, god, or monster; whatever it was) was trying it be as subtle as possible. And even though I am just guessing this; it sounded feminine.

My brain told me to turn around and go back the way I came from. But my body seemed to think different. My legs advanced towards the door until I was centimeters away from it; and I knocked, or at least my hands did admitting my brain was completely against that step.

An audible gasp was heard and I heard footsteps inside the room. It came to a stop near the other side of the door and I swear I saw the doorknob turn. But the door remained closed. I pressed my hands against it and it swung. No locks, nothing. And nobody. But I was sure I heard things...

Goosebumps traveled up and down my spine. Nowmy brain was practically screaming at me to run. And this time my body listenedto it. I closed the door and briskly walked away with both hands clammed to mysides like a soldier. I was greeted by the circular room again but I did notstop for decisions, instead I walked through another random door (so many doors!) but definitely not the one I just came from. I took some unknown turns before voices floated to me. But at least they were normal, or they sounded so. I went down a flight of steps and came to a corridor filled with demigods. I don't think I've ever been this happy to see people before. I looked up over my shoulder and recognized the doors I saw through the gaps in the railings, on the floor above.

It was the third floor. So this is the second floor. So... this is the staircase I was looking for - I glanced at my watch - half an hour ago. Seriously? Half an hour? Felt like five minutes. And I swear the stairs where not here earlier. Talk about confusing.

[ON HOLD] Time and TideDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora