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^That's the onesie he's wearing^


I woke up to the sound of soft cries coming through the baby monitor on my night stand. I looked at the clock and sighed. 8:37 AM. I stood up and stretched before walking to Jungkook's nursery, where I'd put him to sleep the night before since he was feeling little.

I looked down at the boy, who was laying on his back in his crib. He reached for me and made grabby hands, still crying softly. I picked him and smiled softly, immediately knowing what was wrong. His diaper was wet.

"Don't cry prince, let's get you changed." I said to the little, gently bouncing him as I walked over to the changing table and laid him down on it.

I knew he was probably feeling younger than usual because he normally doesn't actually use his diaper, he just enjoys wearing them. I carefully unbuttoned his onesie and opened his diaper, reaching for the baby wipes. Jungkook started kicking his little feet up in the air and squirming around. I sighed softly, gently holding his legs still.

"Hold still Koo." I said softly to him.

He huffed softly and pouted at me, but stopped kicking and squirming. I started gently cleaning him with the baby wipes, smiling as I watched him grab at one of his feet. He giggled quietly and held onto his foot, putting two fingers on his other hand into his mouth. I finished cleaning him and put on a clean diaper, throwing the other one away before blowing raspberries on his little tummy. He giggled and squirmed around, smiling happily and taking his fingers out of his mouth. I buttoned his onesie back up and lifted him up, walking to the kitchen with him.

"You hungry, baby boy?" I asked, gently bouncing him.

Jungkook babbled in response, smiling as he rested his head on my shoulder. I placed him into his high chair and put the tray on it, patting his head before looking in the cabinets. He whined loudly and I looked back to see him pointing to his Cooky plushie, which was on the floor beside his high chair. I picked it up and gave it to him, smiling as I watched him hug the pink bunny and nuzzle his face into it. I turned back around and started making him cinnamon apple oatmeal.

After his oatmeal was cooled down a little, I placed it on the tray in front of him. I sat down in a chair beside him, chuckling softly as I watched him attempt to feed himself. He gripped the baby spoon in a fist, trying his best to shovel the food into his mouth, which just resulted in him getting it all over his face. I smiled and grabbed a napkin, gently wiping his face off before taking the spoon out of his hand.

"Let me help you bun, you're too little to do it yourself."

The little smiled cutely at me and opened his mouth, happily letting me feed him the oatmeal until there was none left. I wiped off what little bit had gotten on his mouth and stood up, taking his bowl to the sink. After rinsing the bowl out I took the tray off his high chair and picked him up, carrying him to the living room. He stuck his thumb into his mouth as I carried him.

"Don't do that Koo, here." I picked up his pacifier from the coffee table and held it to his mouth.

He took the pacifier into his mouth, happily sucking on it. He looked down at his play mat on the floor and reached for it. I smiled, placing the little on his stomach so he could play with his toys. I turned on some cartoons for him before going back to the kitchen. I did the dishes from his breakfast before grabbing an apple and going back to the living room. I sat on the couch and ate the apple, watching as Jungkook picked up his toy keys. He shook them and giggled quietly, watching the way they moved in fascination. I smiled as I watched him, finishing my apple and throwing the core in the trashcan beside the couch. He eventually got bored with the keys and looked up at me, whining loudly.

"What is it baby?" I asked going over to him and kneeling down.

Jungkook pouted and reached for me, whining softly as he looked at me with his big doe eyes. I stood up and lifted him up, kissing his cheek. He spit his pacifier out and dropped it on the floor, whining again.

"You want some banana milk, bun?" I questioned, knowing he normally does that when he's thirsty.

"Nana!" The little exclaimed, bouncing slightly in my arms.

I took that as a yes and walked back into the kitchen, getting a bottle and filling it with banana milk. Jungkook continued to bounce, looking at me with his mouth wide open as I took him back to the living room. I chuckled and held the bottle to his mouth, sitting down on the couch and placing him on my lap. He rested his head on my shoulder and stared at the cartoons playing on the tv, cooing softly as he drank the milk. I smiled, lightly rubbing his back with my free hand.

He fell asleep just as he finished the bottle, letting out soft snores. I carefully pulled the empty bottle out of his mouth and put in on the coffee table before standing up. Jungkook wrapped his arms around my neck, clinging to me as he stirred a bit in his sleep. I gently kissed his forehead and took him to his nursery, carefully placing him down in his crib and putting a thin blanket over him before turning on his mobile. He pouted in his sleep, moving his mouth as if he were sucking on a pacifier. I got one of his pacifiers and placed it into his mouth, chuckling softly as he quickly started to suck on it. I smiled softly and turned on his nightlight and the baby monitor, turning the overhead light off as I left the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2022 ⏰

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