I'm never good enough.

I will embarrass myself and make them think I'm a joke.

I am a joke. I'm a fool.

Joining Brooke in the front of the restaurant, looking at what tables she had to serve today, only one of them was taken by four men. Adeline was anxious to go over there and was scared she was going to mess up.

I will mess up and they will get annoyed at me and tell my boss.

"Hey babes, what did Mitch want?" Brooke asked her friend, who just seemed spaced out in thought.

"Mr. Davis asked for me to be their waitress to leave a good first impression. But I'm scared I'm gonna mess it up. It's a lot of pressure," Adeline spoke, looking down at the floor, letting her negative thoughts cloud her mind.

"Hun, you got this. Take it as a compliment and ask for a Christmas bonus at the end of the year," Brook told the nervous girl, earning her to crack a light smile at her comment.

Brooke then left the girl to go serve her table, as two people just sat down. Adeline took the moment of slight confidence Brooke had just given her to go towards the table and serve them.

Adeline and Brooke met up in the kitchen, waiting for the coffee pot to warm up so they could both go give it to their customers. Adeline was freaking out, as she was almost 100% sure the hidden boy was the boy who ran into her last night.

"Brooke, I'm telling you! I think it was the boy who bumped into me last night!" Adeline whispered shouted at her friend, who seemed unfazed by the likely-hood it was him.

"Addy, baby, calm down. So what if it is him, he probably was too drunk to control himself last night and too hungover to do anything about it now," Brooke spoke regularly back towards her freaked-out friend, who shushed her for speaking too loudly.

"But what if he hates me for rejecting him last night... Then... then... I'm fired... I'm gonna get fired!" Adeline rambled out nervously, as Brooke lightly chucked at her friend, while playfully rolling her eyes.

"Addy, baby, we both know that won't happen. Just show him how you are too good at your job for rich boy to say anything bad about you. Plus, you aren't even sure which boy it is. So you could have rejected his friend." Brooke spoke, placing a hand on Adeline's shoulder.

Adeline began to calm down a little more, as she did have a point. Adeline never got the boy's name from last night, and she isn't sure which one he is now. None of them screamed I'm the CEO's rich son. Ideally, Adeline realized she was freaking out for no reason. Brooke did have a point, be too good at the job so they can't say anything bad.

Except, I am too bad at my job, and I'm gonna be fired.

I'm a terrible waitress.

Grabbing the essentials she needed for her table, she was preparing herself to go back out there and serve the group of four. Brooke gave her a little motivational push, as Adeline stood by the door.

Walking out of the door, Adeline couldn't help but feel her body start to shake with nerves. The last thing she needed was for her to drop something and embarrass herself more.

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