enemies to lovers part 3

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Y/N's POV:

After your trip to Hogsmeade with Cedric, you kiss him goodbye and return to your room. You sit down in front of the mirror and stare at yourself. "I can't believe that just happened," you thought to yourself, exasperated, "I just kissed Cedric," your eyes widened a little just thinking about him. You lie down and squeal into your pillow, kicking your legs with excitement. You turn over and start daydreaming about him, "I can't wait to see him again" you sigh.

Cedric's POV:

I head back to my dorm, but my mind is completely somewhere else. I keep replaying the kiss over and over and over again. I've never felt something like this before. I enter my dorm and lie down, that's the best I could do right now because I can't concentrate on anything else. "I'm completely infatuated with Y/N," I think out loud. 

Y/N's POV:

The next day, you get ready for your class which happens to have Cedric in it too! You could barely sleep all night because you were so excited. Even before your alarm rang, you were up. "At least I have more time to get ready!" you thought. Usually, you just stumble out of bed and run to class seconds before the bell, but today you decided to completely pamper yourself, "the strange things love does to the brain.." you ponder.

Cedric's POV:

I looked at my timetable the night before and I realise I have a class with Y/N first thing in the morning. I've never truly cared too much about my appearance but for some reason, I woke up earlier today to make sure I looked neat. I ironed my uniform, took a shower, combed my hair and made sure I smelt nice. The whole time I was getting ready, all I could think about is seeing Y/N. My mind wandered off to how we met. It was at a Quidditch match last year and our houses were playing against each other. I went to buy more food during one of the breaks when someone bumped into me. They said sorry and I didn't think much about it. That's until they saw what house you were in and said: "wait never mind." I was already quite irritated because Hufflepuff was losing. "Don't worry about it, you'll be sorry after playing against us" the words slipped out of my mouth. For some reason, the person started laughing and walked away. The game ended and Hufflepuff in fact, lost. I was leaving when I ran into that same person again! "Hey!" they said, a smile lingering in their face, "so who's saying sorry again?" I was about to reply when I heard someone yell "Y/N!" The person turned around and then turned back to me "Sorry!" Y/N said mockingly and ran away. "Y/N" I whispered under my breath. After that incident, I did think Y/N was annoying. I thought Y/N was interested in everything and only enjoyed mocking me. I chuckle as I think about Y/N now, the only person I like running into. The only person who I liked joking around with.


After looking at yourself in the mirror about 100 times, you finally decide it's time to leave. "I just want everything to look perfect!" you thought to yourself. As you look in the mirror one last time, you think about a time when you STRONGLY disliked Cedric. When the ways his eyes shone would bother you. When his smile would make you angry. You think back to the time when the professor stated you and Cedric would be working together and your heart dropped. You were contemplating dropping out of class that instant.  "I guess doing school work does have its benefits"you giggled. You exit your dorm, filled with excitement. As you walk down the stairs, you find Cedric waiting at the bottom. He looked nervous but when he saw you, his eyes filled with awe. 

Cedric's POV:

I wanted to see Y/N as soon as possible. So I thought waiting near Y/N's dorm would be a good idea. Honestly, I was so nervous. It was our first time seeing each other, after becoming "official" and I really hoped Y/N didn't feel different about me anymore. As I waited, I began questioning myself, "What if Y/N doesn't want to see me?" "What if Y/N is having second thoughts?" Just then I heard a creak come from the stairs and I turn. All my doubts immediately vanished. I knew Y/N was the one.

Y/N's POV:

You paused for a moment and smiled, savouring this moment. You skip down the stairs and tackle him with a big hug.  "I've missed you" you whisper 

"I've missed you more," he whispers back

His hand slides to yours, and he looks into your eyes. You're completely immersed in them when he giggles "Come on let's go to class."

As you're both walking through the hallway, you notice stares which have never looked your way before. People are whispering and looking at you walking beside Cedric. As you get to class, you feel a little uncomfortable. Cedric must've noticed your mood shift because as you're both sitting down he asks, " are you ok?" his eyes filled with worry. You quickly glance at him and back down "yeah...not really. What are other people probably thinking? I mean not that many people know and they probably think it's weird that I'M dating YOU." 

"What do you mean?" Cedric asks with confusion

"Well, you're Cedric Diggory. People probably think it's strange that you're dating someone like me." you look down

He tilts your face up with hand and looks straight into your eyes "I don't care what anyone thinks, you're the only person I want to be with." he declared. As he leans in to kiss you, you hear the whole class going "oooo" After a quick kiss, you both blush and look away as the professor yells, " Cedric Diggory! Y/F/N! 10 points deducted from both fo your houses!" The professor looked shocked and turns away in disgust "Back to the lesson children!" You and Cedric glance at each other and laugh, his hand holding yours tightly. 

Cedric Diggory Hogwarts imaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora