47- What the Hell

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'... the freak storm caused thousands in damage to the well-populated tourist destination in downtown Ibiza, scientists are labelling this as a natural disaster...'

Carlisle mutes the TV as the news continues running the story as it emerges. Esme shakes her head gently. "She did that... how..."

"She is far more powerful than we ever gave her credit for." He says gently, standing. "Let us get going. We promised we'd join them at the res before we leave for italy."

Esme sighs and nods, taking his hand. They run to the res, greeted by wolves who lead them to the meeting point in a clearing; the rest of the pack and their family is there, as well as the sisters and Emily. The wolves disappear momentarily, coming back in their human forms.

Sam has a deep frown set into his never-happy face. "I'm sure by now you've heard." Everyone gives a curt nod. "We need to decide what to do."

"What to do?" Jasper raises an eyebrow in surprise. "What do you mean, mut?"

Sam rolls his eyes, his fists clenched at his sides. "I mean about our safety. Kingsley poses a risk to use all-"

"No." Rachel interjects, frowning deeply. "No she doesn't, not to us. We are her family."

"Really?" Paul asks, hating to oppose his mate. "Because from what I can see, she doesn't think that. Family doesn't bail and that's all she's ever done."

Rachel glares her man as Emmett speaks up. "King wouldn't hurt any of us. You got more chance of Seth hurting someone."

"Jacob said he's never seen her like that." Sam says, shaking his head. "She isn't in control - that means she could and will hurt someone. And the chances of it being one of us is high."

"No!" Esme snaps, glaring. "Don't you say a bad word about that girl! It doesn't matter what she has done, she needs us! She is a member of all our families and family doesn't give up on each other, not where I come from. You don't get to pick and choose when you want her!"

"She picks and chooses when she wants us." Rebecca whispers, looking at the ground. "I... I don't want her here. Not if she's a risk. Jack could get hurt, I could." She shrugs.

"Jack is my son, let me worry about him." Rachel snaps at her sister before she looks to Esme. "I'm coming. I'm with you on this one, we help her out in any way we can."

Esme smiles small as Rachel comes over; they share an awkward but warm embrace for a moment.

Seth steps forward from his pack. "I'm coming too. She's my sister, she needs me." He says.

"Me too." Embry says as he comes forward.

Collin, Brady, Sam and Jared seem set on staying back, as does Kim, Leah and Rebecca. Paul looks torn as he stands in the middle of his remaining pack members and his wife, on opposing sides. Rachel looks at him with pleading eyes. "Baby..."

Paul takes a deep breath. "I'll help her. But you're staying right here, with our son. You keep Jack safe and you don't let him know anything is going on, his life will be unaffected by your sisters actions."

Rachel smiles and nods small. Esme and the others get ready to leave, Rachel saying goodbye to Paul for a long moment. Before they go, she grabs Esme's hand. "Bring my sister home... She belongs here. Dad would want her here and I want her here."

Esme smiles and nods once. "I'll do my best."


"Why are you laying in the dark?" Caius asks with an eye roll.

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