4 part 2

260 13 4

Just to warn you all again, this chapter does contain swearing 


I peel open one eye and grab my phone off the cabinet, missed call from Helen it says. Oh my god my head is killing me and I need a drink really bad.I spot a bottle of water on the cabinet, I very gently ease myself upright and swing my legs onto the floor off the bed. I take a huge drink of water, my phone starts to ring Its Helen ringing me again. Jesus give me a break, I've only just woken, I reject the call she can wait. I get up, stretching I make my way to the bathroom, praying I've packed some pain killers.

The bathroom mirror reveals exactly how I'm feeling, I look a complete mess. My hair is all knotted and make up is smeared under my eyes. I grab my toilet tree bag and go through it looking for pain meds, right at the bottom I see a sleeve of pain killers. I pop two out and glug some water from the tap, splashing some water on my face the same time. I grab a flannel and dry my face off, I locate my make up wipe and rub my eyes trying to get rid of my panda eyes. That's when I notice, fucking hell I've got a hickey on my collar bone. Why do I have a hickey on my collar bone?. I pull my top down to see just how bad it is....Oh MY GOD!....what....wait?


Who's t-shirt I have on?

Oh My Fucking GOD.

It dawns on me right then, Its Ed's t-shirt.

Why am I wearing his t-shirt?

And that ladies and gentlemen is when I hear a noise, a snore to be precise. 

A snore coming from my bed.

Oh shit!

I tip toe out of the bathroom, and look over at my bed,at first glance it just looks like all the blankets have been bundled to one side of the bed. The other side that I slept on. I then spot a pair of red High tops on the floor next to it, they are not mine I can tell you!. I creep over,craning my neck, that's when I spot the ginger hair. Well the back of it, and a t-shirt less Ed Sheeran in my bed. 

Ed Sheeran is in my bed.

The sight almost makes me scream, what did we do last night?!. Why is he in my bed?!. I turn and tip toe as fast as a hangover person can back into the bathroom, Jesus how does James Bloody bond make creeping around look so easy?.

I shut the door quietly, a million things are going around in my head right now. My hangover state is not making any sense of them. I'm trying to think what happened last night but its all one big blur, I remember us drinking in the bar, those fire shots, the rest? not a clue. What am I going to do? did we have sex? God I hope not, this is not the type of thing I do. One night stands are things some people do, but not me. I'm a 28 year old mother of 2, I have never had a one night stand.. He is going to wake up and be like yeah that was fun I shall see you around type thing, isn't he?. He probably does this all the time?, he is a world famous singer and women chuck themselves at him. I will not mean a thing to him, just be some seedy memory that he regales to his mates over a few pints. All giving him high fives for being 'The Stud'. 

My stomach is churning, and I retch. The taste of the fire ball shots enters my mouth, I lean over the toilet thinking I'm going to be sick. I take a deep breaths trying to calm down.

I cant face him, no way. If he reacts when he wakes up like I think he going to be, I will not be able to handle it. I will cry. He will not respect me. My self esteem cant take another battering, I grab my toilet bag and start to brush my teeth, loading all my things in here into the bag. Its time to go, now.

I tip toe back into my room, he is still fast asleep, phew!

Luckily i never really unpacked, I locate the rest of my things on the corner of the room. I grab my shorts and hunter boots from yesterday off the floor and slip them both on while watching Ed, praying he doesn't wake up. I scan the room for anything else I've left out, there is nothing. I grab all my things, take one last look at him and slip out the door. 

It's Complicated  A Ed Sheeran fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now