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Lottie is busy, always busy trying to keep her head above water. If she not doing her job as a event manager, then she is looking after her twin girls. Or trying to keep the peace with her idiot of a ex husband. when it comes to her love life......well what love life! she hasn't got time for love, she doesn't need love, she decided that life was just easier without love, well you can't be hurt then can't you?

4 years passed with her life like it was, then something happened one night when she was working. She heard a song, it sparked a fire she forgot she had. she couldn't stop herself moving towards the place where this voice was coming from, it was like he was plucking her heart strings, not the guitar he was holding. she finds herself at the side of the stage at the event she working at, pushing past people, breathing hard she sees the person that is creating so many emotions in her heart and head. Emotions she forgot that had existed. There he stands, with his guitar singing lyrics with such an intensity it makes her shiver and shake. She stands there like she has been glued to the spot, watching him singing Give me Love. Seconds pass, his eyes are watching the audience. He must have felt her eyes burning into him because he turns his head towards her.His bright blue eyes lock onto her muddy blue ones. Its like the world has fallen away and its just them two. She is brought back abruptly when she realizes he has finished singing and the crowd are going crazy. She watches him nod at the crowd and now he is walking straight towards her, with such an intense look on his face. She wants to run away, well her head does. Her heart is screaming for her to stay. One thing in all this she realizes that her life is never going to be the same ever again.

Hey Thanks for reading!

Welcome to my fanfic about the one and only ginger Jesus.

After reading any Ed sheeran fanfiction I could get my hands on, I decided to start my own.

My grammar and spelling is not my best. If anybody whould like to help me edit. Please feel free to get in touch :)

If you like what you read please, comment and rate. It be lovely to see what you all think.

Hugs and loves xxx

It's Complicated  A Ed Sheeran fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now