4 Part 1

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This chapter does have some swearing.

"Lottie you need to calm the fuck down, your 28 years old and a mother of 2". 

"Get your arse out there and talk to the poor man".

I'm staring at myself in the mirror in the toilets, trying to talk some sense into myself. Where I have escaped too, leaving Ed looking confused at the bar. Dear god he must think that I love running away!. My cheeks are flushed and my eyes are sparkling, I would say it's the wine but I think It's something to do with a certain ginger sitting at the bar, waiting for my return.

I take one last glance at myself, mentally giving myself a kick up the ass, and start walking back to the bar. As I walk across the bar, I spot Ed's team all huddled together at a table, they see me and start whispering to each other while glancing at me. Talk about giving a girl a complex!.

I go to sit down on the bar stool, I notice that there is a new bottle of wine been placed on the bar, wait!? did I drink a whole bottle of wine?. Actually now I'm thinking about it I do feel rather tipsy, on cue I hic-up I can't help myself and start giggling which causes me to hic-up even more. I clamp my hands over my mouth to try and stop the hic-ups. I look over to Ed hoping he hasn't seen my little show and see that he is having a good chuckle at me. "What?" I say grinning. "Nothing" he laughs out. I raise my eyebrows at him, causing him to laugh even more. "You Lottie, seem to be a little drunk hmmm?". "I'm not" I huff back at him, pouting and crossing my arms like a child. "OK! OK! your not, I'm sorry, please stop pouting". As he says this to me he turns his whole body towards me his knees brush my bare thighs, creating goosebumps.

I tense up, hating the way he has this impact on me, I'm really not used to feeling like this anymore. I feel rather out of depth. Ed must have seen my face change because he reaches over and very gently pats the top of my hand. I can feel his calloused fingers softly scratch my skin, flooding warmth onto my skin. "Lottie" he gently murmurs. I look up at him through my eyelashes. Dam he is amazing, the hair, the eyes, the voice, the clothes even his birthmark. All packaged together to make this gorgeous looking man. He is wearing a plain black T-shirt, it makes his tattoos stand out even more. I stare at his arm, looking at his tattoos. Wow he has so many, I can see a Lego head, jigsaw puzzle pieces,a paw print and a Puss in boots from Shrek.

I can't help myself and lean over to touch his arm, my finger tracing over the outlines of his tattoos. "You have so many tattoos, why?" I ask looking up at him. He chuckles " there is a story behind each one, I have well over a hundred". I nod at him wanting to ask about the story's behind each one, but I chicken out.

I'm still tracing the tattoos on his arm, going over the outline of a Matisse tattoo he has on his other arm, admiring it.

"Ed?" We both look behind us at the same time, Stuart is standing there. "We are all heading back now, we are meeting at 10 in the morning to go home" Stuart states. "OK, see you in the morning" Ed reply's, patting Stuart on the shoulder. "Lottie is was nice not quite meeting you" Stuart laughs putting his hand out for me to shake. I can't help but giggle at that, "yes Stuart you too" I smile shaking his hand. Stuart nods at us and turns to leave.

"So" Ed says looking at me, scratching the back of his neck again. I now realize that this is something he does when he is nervous. "So" I say back to him, reaching for my glass of wine, taken a sip. I think of what my mother said earlier to me, about having some fun. She would be going crazy right now, if she knew that I was sitting at a bar with a very cute ginger.

A very cute ginger, who is creating fireworks in  my stomach...wait?! what?!. Now I know I'm definitely drunk, soba Lottie would have scarpered by now. But Drunk Lottie...well. 

"Lottie lets do some shots!" Ed shouts out, signalling to the bar man. I can't help but laugh at his enthusiasm. The bar man approaches us, looking very amused at Ed. "Good sir I will have 10 fireball shots please!" Ed asks the bar man. The bar man smirks at this and goes to pour the shots. 

I feel my phone buzzing away in my pocket, I leap off the stool to retrieve it from my pocket thinking it my mum texting me about the girls. In my drunken haze it takes a few seconds to realize that its not a tex but someone is calling me, I feel my stomach sink when I see that its Jamie calling me. I indicated to Ed that I'm going outside to take the call, he just shrugs st me. I turn and make my way outside the bar.

When I get outside I quickly press the call divert button, I never intended to answer his call but when I saw his name flashing on my phone I panicked, the air felt like it was sucked out of my lungs.

I then see that he has tried to call me 6 times and I have 3 unread messages from him. He must be back, he only does this when he is back. I just stare at my phone, not quite sure what I'm doing. I take a deep breathe and crane my head to look into the bar through one of its make shift windows, I see Ed laughing with the bar man, he has got a wonderful laugh it seems to fill the air with happiness. He then glances at the bar door, a frown moving across his face. I move away from the window, I spot a bench a couple of yards away. I go and sit down debating if I should go back in or not, Jamie calling me has thrown me and now the doubts are creeping back in. 

"Lottie?" I look up from where I'm sitting and see Ed a small smile playing on his lips,but his eyes  show confusion. 

" Hey sorry I was just about to come back in, was just getting some air" I smile back at him. He doesn't say anything and heads back into the bar. I watch the door swing shut, not quite knowing what to do. Fuck has he gone?, have I blown it?.

All of a sudden the door swings open again, out he comes with a tray with 10 shots on it a huge grin on his face. I laugh as he sets the tray down and takes a seat next to me. "We can't let these go to waste" he says looking all serious. 

"5 for you and 5 for me" he places the shots in front of me.

"On the count of 3 we have to drink all 5!". "You ready?" he asks raising a shot glass ready.

I look at the shots and then I look at him, his face is flushed, hair is wild, grinning like a Cheshire cat. His eyes are locked onto mine pulling me in, making me feel giddy. Something snaps inside of me, fuck it all I think. I grab a shot, clink it to his and I hear myself say "I'm ready".


Hellooo lovelys!

sorry about the late Update, I had a whole new chapter done but when I went back over it I hated it. So decided to do it again.

I also decided to do 2 parts to this chapter, I've started part 2 and it should be up a.s.a.p.

Thank you for all your lovely comments and votes. They make my day!

Any feedback is gladly received. 

Almost 220 reads!!  **squeals like a crazy loon**

hugs and loves

It's Complicated  A Ed Sheeran fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now