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Just a warning this chapter does contain swearing

"Lottie why did you do that?!" Helen shouts at me. I'm sitting at the bar giving Helen evil eyes over my 2nd Glass of wine, the first didn't touch the sides. I arrived her 10 minutes ago. I say arrived, when really what happened is that 10 minutes ago. I came bursting into the bar like a nutter, everybody looking at me like I'm mad. Gasping for breath while looking around for Helen. Smooth Lottie smooth.

"I cant believe you left Ed fucking Sheeran hanging like that!". "Lottie I love you babes, but your an idiot!" she is still shouting this at me. The music form the main stage is really loud in here as it really close. But I don't think Helen is shouting at me because of the noise...

I sit there pretending that my wine is really, really interesting. I can't look at Helen, I know if I do I'm going to cry like a baby. What I did 20 minutes ago keep running around in my head like a video stuck on repeat. I raise my wine glass to my forehead, feeling the coolness. Hoping it will ease the heat of embarrassment  that I feel everywhere. 


20 minutes earlier.....

"Ed that was fantastic mate, they loved you!". The crowd is roaring, chanting Ed,Ed,Ed!.

                         A stocky guy with shaved grey hair, pats Ed on the shoulder as he exits the stage, guitar in hand. "Thanks Stu" I hear Ed reply. "Mate can you give me a minute?, I will see you back in the dressing room". I look up and see Ed and Stu both looking at me. Stu is looking at me with amusement. Ed is starring again, with a look I cant quite place.

Yep I'm still here, like a idiot and now probably look like a crazy fan girl. After us having a stare down contest as he was finishing his set, which I lost as reality smacked me in the face. Realization creeping up at me, on what I must look like. I do what I do best and pretend that I'm meant to be here working, and not gawping at the Ginger God. I grab a clipboard and pretend to be checking some equipment. 

I raise my eyebrows at Stu, he laughs and walks away leaving Ed standing there. I stare at the clipboard feeling my cheeks flood with colour. "Hey did you enjoy my set?" I look up and see that Ed is right in front of me. Looking at me, expecting a answer to what he just said. "Um..I..I..I loved it...no, I mean it was ok..no it was very good" I stutter out. Oh my god shut up Lottie! I think I want the ground to swallow me up whole.

"Um ok then" Laughs Ed. I notice that he is blushing abit. He looks so cute, standing there not quite knowing what to say next. He chews his bottom lip. "I'm Ed by the way". I look at him and he has his hand out ready for me to shake it. "I'm Lottie" I say and grab his hand to shake it. I feel his calloused finger tips brush the palm of my hand, it sends tingles throughout me. 

"Lottie? That's cute, Um me and my crew are going for a drink in abit. If your not working would you like to join us?. He asks. I look at him, those eyes you could get lost in them. A beautiful colour blue, those eyes are going to haunt my dreams for a long time. He has got such a open and honest face, no hint of arrogance. Which with some "stars" comes in bucket loads. In fact you could say he is rather awkward, he stands there one hand scratching an itch at the back of his neck looking a Little lost while waiting for me to answer him.

"I cant sorry, I'm busy with this" I say indicating to the clip board. I know  he means well, and has no interest in me personally and is just being polite. But I can't, the way he made me feel when he was singing  scared me. I haven't felt like that in such a long time, it made me feel very vulnerable. And I know that If I go with him, I'm going to want more of him. I don't know anything about him other than that he has a voice of pure honey and he puts his all into his shows. 

It's Complicated  A Ed Sheeran fanfictionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant