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The Day Before

Girls please hurry up!” I yell upstairs. It was only 10 o’clock in the morning, and I could feel a headache already coming on. “Mummy!” yelled Lily “Rose has hidden dolly”. I ran from my office and started heading for the stairs, this is a typical morning in our household. Its always crazy trying to get the girls and myself out of the house on time, with everything we needed. “Rose give Lily her dolly please”. “We are going to be late getting to your grandma’s otherwise”.

The girls are going to my mother for a few days, so I can go to work. The girls are standing in their bedroom, coats and backpacks on. Lily has got her dolly, the drama has now been forgotten. “Right girls have we got everything we need?”. I'm met with a head nod from the both of them. “Good” I say “Let's get to Grandmas then".

While driving the Girls to my mothers. I'm going through the huge list of things I need to get done for today. Tomorrow is a big day for me, well for my job I mean. I'm heading to Chelmsford park!. Its just over 3 hours drive away from where I live, a sleepy little village on the outskirts of Cardiff, Wales. I'm an events manager, and my job for the next few days is to make sure that the V festival at Chelmsford park,England runs as smoothly as possible.

An hour later I'm on the motorway heading to the festival. The girls have stayed with my mum a fair bit because of my Job. They always enjoy it, they get spoiled with love and trips to the local park or swimming pool. My job does take me away from the girls a bit but it's quite flexible, luckily before the girls came along I had my foot firmly wedged in the door of many events companies. Since the girls were born 6 years ago, I can be choosy in what I take on and I can do a lot of work from home, and thankfully my mum has always been on hand to help with the girls.I wish I could say the same about their dad. James my ex-husband of 4 years. We broke up when the girls were 2. For the past 4 years, he comes and goes whenever it suits him. Trying to be the dad of the year, until some girl takes his fancy then he is off again. And I'm left to console the girls, who yet again have been left down by him. 

A few hours later I arrive at the Festival, it's not officially starting until tomorrow evening. At the site, it's all go. There are people everywhere setting up the stage and sound, marquees, tents and stalls are dotted around. security people creating barriers around the perimeters. Cranes loading and installing what seems like 100s of toilets and shower areas.

The place is buzzing and its amazing, In the next couple of days 1000’s of people will descend here and all come together to enjoy what seems like the best ever mixture of singers, musicians, bands and comedians we had to date. I stand there for a few minutes taking this all in. It's August here,and we are in the middle of an "Indian Summer".It's late afternoon and its still very hot. Then I glance at my watch, crap I'm 10 minutes late!. I start jogging over to behind the main stage where our marquee is.

I rush into the maquee,and quickly making my way over to where the team are seated around a table. It takes a lot of people to run the V festival, almost a 1000 give or take. I’m part of the higher management team, I've been doing V for a good couple of years now. The Team consists of 20 of us, all event managers. Most of us have been friends for years, we are often together as we are all involved in the various festivals, music concerts, gigs etc across the country.Helen waves at me, indicating the free seat next to her. Helen is one of my closest friends, we have known each other for years. We meet at a music gig, she was running around trying to sort a sound problem out. It was a crazy night, almost didn't happen because some idiot set the speakers up wrong.

Helen was amazing, she knew exactly what was wrong and it was fixed with just minutes to spare.Later on, I was at the bar getting myself a large wine, while listening to the opening act. Helen appeared next to me and ordered the same. She introduced herself and then spent the rest of the evening exchanging stories of how crazy our jobs could be. A friendship was born that night. She has been there for me, andI for her through all the dramas of our lives. I love when we work together, it doesn't happen much.But when it does we always have a ball.

I sit down and open my laptop, we then spend the next few hours going over all the details of the festival. By the end we are all up to date with the schedule of the Festival. Ben and Paul the main managers thank us for our time, telling us what time to meet the next morning. A quick meeting before the acts start to arrive!.I start packing up my laptop, and Helen is doing the same. “You ready?” says Helen. “ Yep I think” I reply. We then make our way to our where we are staying. “Wow this is amazing!” I exclaim when we get there, as we are management we get to stay in the best accommodation the festival has. This year they have provided us with luxury yurts. Me and Helen let out a squeal of excitement and say our goodnights before running into yurts It's absolutely fabulous, everything I need is here from fluffy towels, to huge bed!. I Tex mum asking about the girls. I get a reply by the time I get changed for bed. Girls are fine, sleeping after a busy day at the park. I dive into bed and is asleep in minutes. 

The photo on the side is V Festival. As you can see It'd huge!

My first chapter, I hope you all enjoyed it.

Any comments good or bad are welcome

Hugs and loves 


It's Complicated  A Ed Sheeran fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now