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I'm awoken by my mobile saying i've got a tex, who is the hell thinks it ok to text me this time of morning!. Ah ok its 8.50, they are forgiven seeing as i had to get up in 10 anyway. Its a text from mum saying the girls wanted to speak to me when I had chance, I feel the familiar pangs I get when i'm away from them. Promising myself to face time them later. Right time to get myself into gear for today! I open my case and grab what I need for the shower and head into the bathroom.

15 minutes later i'm sitting in front of the mirror trying to make myself look at least half presentable for today. Tired looking muddy blue eyes and hair that needs a good cut is all i'm seeing. I used to love my eyes, they are big with long eyelashes. Now they just show how tired I am and look dull. Looking after the girls and holding down a busy job really can take it out of you. I'm 28 and fell 58 sometimes. I grab my make up bag and start applying my make-up. Lots of concealer is needed for today. 

Not bad I think a little later on, spritzing on Miss Dior. Today is going to be busy so I decided to dress a comfortable, but with a festival twist. I'm wearing my beloved black Hunter wellies, matching over the knee socks. Tailored high-waist shorts with a white shirt with a pussy bow tucked in. My longish dark blonde wavy hair is down loose, but i've played the sides and secure them at the back. I've done my make-up my usual way, flicked liquid eyeliner, mascara to make the most of my long eyelashes,peachy cheeks and some clear lip gloss. I walk over to my case and find my jewellery box, putting on some silver necklaces and bracelets.  After one final check in the mirror I grab my satchel and laptop and head out towards the marquee.

The day flies by, its early evening and I'm in the dressing room areas behind the main stage. The Festival is amazing. Its bright and vibrant. There are people everwhere having a great time.

 I'm trying to find somewhere to plug me now dead laptop in, I need to go through tomorrow's schedule. I spot a coffee machine and some chocolate muffins, my stomach makes a huge grumble. “Alright!” I mutter helping myself to coffee and a huge chocolate muffin. I've only had a sandwich today and in need of my chocolate fix. 

As I take a huge bite of my muffin, my phone vibrates in my pocket. It's mum face timing me, I accept the call and smile as my mums face comes onto my screen. “Hey mum hows the little darlings?”  sarcasm dripping from my voice. She laughs and I see the girls dive onto her lap. "Mummy"! they scream “Nanny took us swimming today and I went down the big slide” Lily informs me. “And I swam with no armbands” belle adds not wanting to get outdone by her sister. “That's amazing girls!” I exclaim. 

It strikes me how beautiful my girls are, they are quite small for their age. They are identical twins, their hair is almost white blonde with natural curls, a nightmare to keep tidy but looks absolutely gorgeous. Huge green eyes, lily has a few freckles across her nose. That's the only way you can tell them apart, they insist in dressing the same and can confuse a lot of people when trying to work out who is which twin.

"I will ring when I get chance tomorrow mum OK” I say. “Ok darling, and lottie?” I look at her “I know you finished work at such now, maybe go and have some fun?”. “Go and have a drink and ohh I don't know, perhaps watch some the acts?”. “You are at a music festival!” she states. It;s my turn to roll my eyes now. “Yes mother, thank you mother” grinning while saluting at her. She huffs a laugh out and blows me a kiss. “Night”. “Good Night” I reply and hang up the phone.

I shake my head and see a plug socket. I finish off my muffin quickly and drain my coffee waiting for my laptop to come on. I hear screaming from the main stage, wow somebody's popular!

The base has gone, and I can hear soft strums acoustic guitar.This makes me smile, my type of music!. I can't quite make out what they are singing back here, but the melody is beautiful.

Everything has gone well today. I have met so many people in the music industry, singers, their managers and entourage. And even Justin Timberlake!. Well I say met, but really I was in the same room as him. Stood a few yards away, trying not to act like a fangirl while screaming in my head!. Yes he is even more yummy in the flesh and smelt amazing!.

Right enough of my fangirling, back to work!. I check my schedule for tomorrow, and tweak what I need to change. I see my phone light up, indicating I've got a message. Its Helen asking if I want to go and meet her and some of the team for a drink in the V.I.P tent. Why not I think. I Tex her saying I be there soon. My phone buzzes again, I look and see a Tex of Jamie, I groan debating to read it or not. No not tonight, I want a night off and forget the crap he seems to bring. I delete the tex without even looking. I haven't seen him for months, I know what he wants. He wants to come and play happy families, and expects me and the girls to provide just that. My life feels so complicated sometimes, it makes my head whirl. Jamie is the reason why I decided that relationships are really not worth it. He broke my heart so many times. I've given up on love, Its not worth the pain it brings. You let someone in, and they promise you everything. Only to be let down again and again.

I grab my satchel and slide my laptop in, I open the dressing room door and start making my way back towards the main stage. The V.I.P tent is not far from the main stage. Its like a maze here, I hear the soft cords and a voice floating all around me.

I walk more further towards the main stage the voice that I hear is becoming more clearer. I can feel the emotions of the song surrounding me, he has experienced heart break and sorrow of the worst kind. But he still wants love, he still craves it, he wants to taste it on your lips.

He wants to give me love.

I see now that i'm not far away from the stage now because I can see the clearing of the space behind the huge main stage. I move faster now, wanting to hear more.

I find myself behind the main stage, there is equipment, wires, speakers everywhere. Security, roadies, managers and crew are dotted around in various groups. Its noisy and loud, but all I can hear is my heartbeat going crazy and him. I can't see him, but I feel him. My eyes are frantically looking for where I can get to the side of the stage. I have to, no NEED to see this man. I see where I need to go and surge forward, pushing past people. Breathing hard I get to side of the stage and finally see him, the person that is creating so many emotions my  heart and head. Emotions I forgot that had existed. There he stands, with his guitar singing Give Me Love with such an intensity it makes me shiver and shake. I stand there like I've been glued to the spot, watching him sing. Seconds pass, his eyes are watching the audience. He must have felt my eyes burning into him because he turns his head towards me.

His bright blue eyes find my muddy blue ones. Its like the world has fallen away and its just us two. I've always laughed at people when they said about love at first sight, called them fools. But standing here, with my heart almost feeling like it's going to burst out of my chest. I now realize that I was the foolish one. I’m is brought back abruptly when I realize he has finished singing and the crowd are going crazy. I watch him nod at the crowd and now he is walking straight towards me, with such an intense look on his face. I want to run away, well my head does. My heart is screaming for me to stay. One thing in all this I realize that my life is never going to be the same ever again.

Hello my lovelys, hope we all had a fabulous Christmas?. Did any of you see Ed on top of the pops? That Jumper! 

Thank you all for the reads and votes so far, loves you all. 

I'm hoping to get the next chapter up in the next few days. 

Any comments good or bad are great-fully received....hit me! :)

loves and Hugs 

It's Complicated  A Ed Sheeran fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now