Chapter 3

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Title of Chapter: Panic
Naruto Point of View

Making my way to the Hokage tower I noticed someone was already there. I am not able to pinpoint exactly who it is from their chakra. Not really to that point in my training. I can tell you it is someone from the Hyuga clan. Hyuga tends to have this spike in their chakra. It usually means a sense of rebellion. There are two Hyuga parts of the Rookie 12. One being Neji Hyuga, who is from the branch family. The other being Hinata Hyuga. She is the heiress to the clan. I can tell it is not Hinata but her cousin Neji. I only met Hinata once when we were younger. I saved her from a bunch of bullies.

'It has been a while since I was here. Nothing has changed, Kura- Chan...' There was hesitation in my words as I spoke to Kurama with little to no emotion.

"I told you to stop calling me that. It is creepy when you say it." Kurama said this to Naruto with much seriousness in his voice. 'Every time my kit talks he sounds so dead. Not even a hit of light can be heard in his voice. Maybe this mission, these people can help him move on.' Like the countless times before this thought plagued the mind of the nine tails.

Lost in a world of make-believe I wasn't paying any mind to where I was going and I walked into someone. 'That is odd I didn't sense their chakra but I still feel the chakra of Neji.' Not sure what to do since I am not much of a talker. I didn't want to be rude so I decided to bow and I was on my way.

'I wonder if that was Rock Lee? I guess that would explain why I could not feel the chakra. Lee does not have the ability chakra ' I pondered this thought as I carefully walked up the side of the Hokage tower and made my way through one of the windows that outlooks the village. 'Something is off, I don't feel Jiji (Gramps or old man) chakra signature. I have only been gone a month and he wouldn't retire at that time.' My mind was racing with too many questions and the possibilities are endless. I was so lost in my mind that I did not hear a female voice call out to me. 

'What if he is dead? I can't lose another...' Still not listening to those around me or the fuzzy ball in my head I started to panic.

3rd POV

"NARUTO! Calm down. Breathe you, fucking idiot. If you don't calm the fuck down or I am taking over your body." Kurama tried to calm down but everything he said went in one ear and came out the other. 'He leaves me no choice.'

"Find Iruka, Tsunade, and don't touch the boy!" A dark and eerie voice echoed throughout the room.

"Shizune!" Tsunade, the 5th Hokage said more like she yelled this to her assistant.

"Yes, my lady..." Shizune said with uncertainty in her voice, well-running into the Hokage after hearing the urgency in her voice.

"Find Iruka and fast!" Tsunade's voice was filled with worry, which is something not like her. She felt so helpless, what could Iruka do that she could not.

"Right away." Shizune quickly left to find Iruka.

Minutes have passed since Shizune left, 7 if you are counting not that she was counting or anything of the sort. Tsunade was starting to worry. If they did not get here soon she would have to do something.

Outside the rookie 12 waited for the Hokage to call them in for the meeting. Little to no conventions filled the air as they waited patiently. The rookie 12 was just a little on edge and with their recent missions, they had every right to be so. Running towards the group was a boy with brown hair and red triangles on his face.

Most thought they were just really bad face tattoos but in all honesty, it is his clan marking. Clan markings are something you are born with. This boy was no exception to that. This boy's name was Kiba Inuzuka, heir to the Inuzuka clan.

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