Chapter 14

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Title of Chapter:
Half & Half
Zabuza's POV

The winds were changing, the skies were filled with dark clouds. It gave off an ominous feeling. Something is approaching, something dark and evil. Whether or not we can face it is a different story. These kids may be strong but can they face what is to come.

"Know that we have all answered the question. Divided into groups. Half will fight Jiraiya. The other half will fight me." I said.

"The groups are as follows. Naruto, Shikamaru, Ino, Choji, Sai, Lee, and Kiba you will fight me. Sasuke, Sakura, Tenten, Neji, Hinata, Shino and Haku will fight Jiraiya. Gai and Kakashi stay with me and Kurenai and Asuma go with Jiraiya." That was what needed to be said. The ninja divided into the group I had put them in.

"Jiraiya, take your group and go to a separate part of the forest so we don't interfere with each other," I told Jiraiya in an all-to-serious voice. I did not want anyone to get hurt through this little test. In all honesty, I don't think it will take longer for Jiraiya and I to test them. Some would take this seriously, others would not.

"Whatever you say, Zabuza." The toad sage replied in a joking matter but truth be told. He was going to take this test very seriously. Once Jiraiya and his group move to the east side of the forest of shadows. I looked at the members of the groups and thought. 'I guess I will let them choose who goes first.'

"Alright, who wants to go first," I asked the group. As I said these words everyone took a step back but Kiba Inuzuka and his nin- dog Akamaru. This leaves him as a sacrificial lamb to the slaughter. 'Well, this is going to be fast and boring.' I thought as I took my fighting stances. The rest of the group jumped up into the nearby trees. They did not want to interfere the fight at hand.

Kiba and Akamaru took his fighting stances. Once he was ready I waited for the 2 of them to make the first move before striking. I wouldn't even have to draw my sword for this. "Fang over fang!" Yelled Kiba. Just as he did fang over fang I side-step and hit him in a pressure point on his neck. That would leave him paralyzed for at least 5 minutes. "Kiba, great attempt. I wouldn't try to move, you will be paralyzed for the next 5 minutes. Pointers, you should either learn how to do your techniques without saying the name or using hand signs or learn a variety of jutsu for future fights." I told this to Kiba as I helped him up from the forest floor and leaned him up against a tree. I didn't knock him out but he did hit the tree pretty hard when I sidestepped. Plus he is paralyzed. Kiba took my words to heart. I can tell because he gave me a stare of determination.

"Okay, Ino why don't you go next. Heard great things about you and your clan. Let's see how those things pan out. Shall we." I told Ino with an empty stare. (I really want to put on a cold stare but I don't want Zabuza to come out as heartless and if you haven't figured out there is a low-key thing going on between Zabuza and Haku. I kind of wanted to ship Zabuza and Jiraiya. I might, so I want your guys' opinion down in the comment section.)

"Um, okay." Ino said in a nervous voice. Her hands shaked and her voice came out in short little breaths. It was almost like she was having trouble breathing. Her eyes were glazed over just like a shiny, bright off white marble.

"There is no reason to be nervous. There is no grade." I told this Ino to give her more confidence. 'Well technically speaking there is a grade. Just not a letter grade. It is more this test of their skills to see how far they have grown.' I thought this to myself.  For they were my thoughts and my thoughts alone.

"Go when you're ready," I told her to try and ease her nerves but then it was dawn on me. She is having a panic attack. There was no time to wonder why she was having a panic attack. I need to get her calm but someone beat me to the punch. "Ino, listen to the sound of my voice. Tell me 3 things you see, 2 things you can feel, and 1 thing you can hear." The person who had spoken was surprisingly Choji. He was standing next to Ino when you started to have her panic attack.

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