"Yes?! Sensei?" I gripped on my book. Uzumaki-Sensei's attention was still on the window. "There's more crows than usual, why are they here?! Isn't that an omen? I heard there's diffirent meanings behind how many they are but more than six means death is nearby!"

Sometimes, I forget this woman is twenty. She acts like she's ten! But I suppose her childishness is part of her charm. "Why are you afraid of crows, Sensei?" I asked.

"I was attacked by a flock of crows when I was seven and it traumatised me ever since" she admits with a tinge of pink on her cheeks. I got up from my seat and looked out the window. Our Homeroom was at the third floor and from up here we had a very good view of the front lawn.

There were so many crows. "They shouldn't attack you unless they feel threatenned"

Uzumaki-Sensei looked at me with interest.

"My father says that crows hold grudges so if you leave them be you should be fine". I looked out the window and my eyes widen. "Looks like that cat killed a crow"

Uzumaki-Sensei looked panicked.

"Then it's about to be ganged up on" I added.

Uzumaki-Sensei pressed herself against the glass, looking very worried for the cat. I watched her reaction. Her brows were furrowed and her smile was upside down.

This look doesn't suit her.

We watched the cat get chased and terrorized by the angry flock. "Poor cat" she whispers. "It'll be fine" I try to assure her. "Cats eat birds afterall" I added to hopefuly ease her.


Classes pass by like the breeze and before I knew it, the day was about to end.

Slamming my locker shut I gathered up my things and headed to the door. I saw Uzumaki-sensei at the end of the hall hugging her bag and looking outside where hundreds of crows were.

"Ignore her" I whispered. "Just ignore her so you don't get caught up in your childish sense's antics"

I didn't ignore her. Remembering her worried look from earlier, I decide to go over there and see what she was up to. I tugged at her sleeve. "What are you up to now Sensei?"

"EEEEEEaaak!!!!" she screamed and whipped around, a hand on her chest. "K-Kakashi-chan! What are you still doing here? My adorable student"

I rubbed my sore ears. "Ow..." I groaned in pain. I glared at my Sensei who only smiled apologeticaly.

I eyed her bag suspiciously. She was hugging it protectively. "What's inside the bag Sensei? Is there something illegal in there?"

Uzumaki-sensei bit her lip, before unzipping her bag and....

Something white pops out. I stared at it for a while, before patting it's furry head. "Meow~" the little furball licked my fingers. "Isn't this..-"

"Yep" Uzumaki-sensei smiled at the cat. "The one who killed a crow"

"crows hold grudges so if you leave them be you should be fine"

"Looks like that cat killed a crow"

"Then it's about to be ganged up on"

She rememberee what I said earlier. "Are you going to, take him home?" I asked. Uzumaki-sensei smiled sadly. "Actualy, he was abandoned near the river....Yesterday after you left, I was about to leave too but then I heard soft purring nearby. I followed it and found him. But since my apartment doesn't allow pets, I brought him here so I can atleast feed him"

I eyed the cat. "But bringing him here was a bad idea. You'll have to take him somewhere else so he wouldn't get hurt by the crows" I cross my arms.

Uzumaki-sensei started petting the little furball with a fond smile. "Shame....my boyfriend would have liked him"

I watched her pet the furball, before turning my attention to the crows outside, pecking the ground, some were flying into the sky. "The sun's going down soon, more crows will be out so, it's best if we move now"

"Caw! Caw!"

Uzumaki-sensei looked really uncomfortable, she then looked at the cat. "I-I'm heading out now!" she was about to reach for the door handle but I stopped her by holding her smooth hand.

"Wait, Sensei, I'll go with you"

She looked at me with surprise. I quickly added: "To make sure the cat will be okay!"


"This should work, I hope"I mutter as I pulled out my umbrella from my bag(it was one of those portable ones that you can hide in your bag).

"Is that going to be our sheild kiddo?" Uzumaki-sensei asked, hugging her bag with the cat inside.

Wait, what? Why would my umbrella---I don't understand a single thing she said. Actualy, I don't understand her at all. Sensei and me are from complete opposite ends of the world.

I sighed before taking her hand and leading her outside with me. "We have to leave now Sensei, there might not be a chance later"


"Caw! Caw! Caw!"

"Caw! Caw!"

We nervously walked, Uzumaki-sensei's grip on my hand tightennee, every now and then she'd jump when a crow would fly pass us.

I hope relocating the cat will help.

Looking around I frowned. Why are these crows following us? And..

I looked up at my trembling Sensei. She looks really scared. I made circle motions with my thumb on her hand to atleast sooth her. It worked, for a moment.

A crow landed infront of us and we halted. Uzumaki-Sensei pulled me to her and hugged me like I was her only source of protection.

The sudden skinskip shocked me and it made my face turn bright red. I jumped back and dropped the umbrella that was 'sheilding' us. We felt the crows' eyes on us.

"Meow" the stupid cat popped it's head out of the bag. I shoved it back inside. Uzumaki-Sensei grabbed my hand and we made a run for it as the flock of angry crows chased us.

"Come on run!" Uzumaki-sensei yells as we dashed to the streets.

I was well aware of the flock of angry crows out to get us, but it didn't matter. At that moment, for me all that mattered was Sensei holding my hand as we dashed onto the streets, the wind whipping our hair back and her beautiful golden tresses---


Right, no time for that. We're in the middle of a chase right now.


"A-are they still out there? I don't see anything" Uzumaki-Sensei pants. Fortunately, we found a phone booth and locked ourselves inside.

I looked out and nodded. "They're definitely still out there" I turned to my Sensei. "The clouds have been gray all morning, they'll go away once it starts raining, so we'll just have to wait it out.

The phone booth was small, so we were squished together. My sensei's bountiful breasts were pressed against my back and if I move my face will be buried in them.

And I'm not a pervert so having my face buried in my Sensei's mellons doesn't sound very appealing to me.

"That was vert scary back there" my sensei laugher, her chest jiggling.

I felt a hand on my head. "I'm sorry for dragging you into this kiddo, my boyfriend says I can be inconsiderate when it comes to others but I don't mean to"

I bit the inside of my cheek and counted to ten before looking up, only to be hit with Uzumaki-sensei's radient glow. "This must be realy uncomfortable for you right now, right Kakashi-chan?" she smiled sheepishly.

There was a crack of lightning, and it began to rain outside. The crows started flying away.

For some reason, I felt thankful to the crows.

A/N: sorry for the typhos if there are any

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