Chapter 16

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Every pair of eyes turned to me. “Let’s get this party started,” I shouted with fake enthusiasm.

“Sit down and get on with this,” Sir said, handing me a sheet.  He was used to my on-off behaviour, since he’d taught me for the past two years.

“Yes Sir,” I said with a salute, before walking to my seat at the back next to Fiona.

“Hey babe,” she said, briefly flashing me a grin before going back to work.

“Hey girl. How you doing?” I asked fishing a pen out of my bag.

“Good thanks. You?” she replied.

“Good thanks. How’s Kurt?” I questioned, wiggling my eyebrows suggestively. Fiona and Kurt have been going out for 18 months. I do my duty as a friend and pay attention to how things are going.

“Better than you’ll ever know,” She said sticking out her tongue.

“I don’t doubt that. As long as you’re happy,” I smiled and began working on the sheet.

Within 10 minutes we were both done, meaning it was time to mess about. There are many advantages to sitting at the back.

1) You can get away with talking

2) You don’t have to do all the work

3) You can use your phone etc.

However Fee and I chose to do none of these. We chose to sit on the floor cross legged playing clapping games. Whispering the words, only tapping our hands together gently. We both know there is only so much you can get away with so we do try to be quiet.

“What are you doing?” I turned my head to see sir standing behind us.

“Clapping games,” Fee explained as if it was normal.

“Have you done the work?”

“Yes,” I said.

“Carry on then,” Sir said as he turned around and walked back to the front.

I looked at Fee to see her sat back on her chair with her phone on her lap. I smiled knowing she was texting Kurt who was in collage being two years older than us. “Fiona,” I said in a sing voice.

She just stuck her tongue out at me.

“The extension work is at the front for anyone who has finished,” Sir said looking at our direction while placing another pile of sheets at the front. I looked at Fee who rolled her eyes at me.

“I’ll go you talk to lover boy,” I said, getting up.

“Autumn could you get one for me as well please,” Chloe said from the row in front.

“Sure,” I said with a grin. I walked past her desk and rolled my eyes.

I picked up three sheets and walked back.

I sat down, passing Chloe a sheet as I did.


“You’re welcome,” I said. I turned to Fee who was stifling a laugh. “What?”

“That had to be the fakest smile I ever seen,” She whispered.

“Yep,” I said popping the p


“Lunch time, get in there,” Fiona cheered

“About time. French is such a drain,” I said, as I pushed the door open.


I turned around to see Elisha, Hannah and Leah was walking towards me. “Bye Fiona,” I called to her retreating figure. “Where we going for lunch then?” I asked, once my friends had reached me.

“Don’t mind. Can just eat at yours because it’s easier,” Hannah asked.

“Sure,” I said, “Whose car?”

Elisha held up her keys.

“Let’s go,” Leah said. We all walked to the nearest doors.

“I do love the fact that Miss never puts a number for how many will be leaving the school sight,” Elisha smiled. We all nodded our heads in agreement.

“We never have to show it anyway, we never see a teacher,” I said.

“True but I think it’s better if we do have a note though,” Leah said.

“You’re such a goody goody Leah,” Elisha moaned.

Hannah laughed. “We need to get you into trouble Leah,” I said, “Wow we sound like such a good influence.” I laughed.

“Shotgun,” I call when the car comes into view.


I plonked my bag by the door and walked into the kitchen to get some food. My friends were all in the living room, blasting music through the speakers, while singing. Leah walked in the other door  the same time as me. “What are we having for lunch then?” I asked her.

“If it’s ok with you we decided on tomato pasta,” Leah said, smiling.

“Sure, can you give me a hand please?” I asked. Leah nodded and went into the fridge for the vegetables while I grabbed the pasta and knifes.

“Lunch is served,” Leah called, walking into the dining room with the plates as I followed closely behind with the pan of pasta. While we were waiting for everything to cook we had put knives, forks and drinks on the table.

Hannah and Elisha came running through, just as I put the pan on the table. “Smells good,” Elisha sid inhaling the smell.

“Yeah yeah. Just take seat while I serve,”

We all chatted while we ate. After we were done we loaded the dishwasher, before going into the room to listen to music.

Sorry it's been a while again. I'm so bad at updating :/
Hope you're all ok

Han x

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2015 ⏰

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