Chapter 11

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I had now performed my floor routine 12 times, and every time it can to the end I would fall on my bum while trying to perform a backflip.

“Relax into it your too tense!” Mrs Illingworth shouted from the other side of the gym.

I am!! If I relax anymore my legs will buckle…that is if I actually manage to land it. Of course I didn’t say that out loud; Miss would have freaked!

“I’ll just change it to a front summersault because I can do that. Can we go work on bars now?” I asked, desperate to save my bum from any further trauma.

“Fine but you have only have 5 minutes left of this lesson. What do you have next?” She questioned.


“Keep working I’m going to go talk to…” she trailed off.

“Madame Priest” I said.

“Right! Mrs Priest. Get going chop chop,” she shouted, turning on her heel and walking out the gym.

I huffed. I liked French it was of the few lessons I had with Fiona. I pouted and lugged myself off the floor.  Rubbing my bum I walked over to the bars muttering, “Stupid backflip! Stupid gymnastics! Stupid gym! Stupid form tutor!”

I pulled my hand guards onto my hands and shoved them into the chalk bucket. A cloud of chalk flew out of the bowl from the force I put my hands in. “Sugar muffins!” Laughing sounded from behind me. I whipped my head around to see no other than the school’s bad boy, Blake, doubled over in laughter by the door.

Scowling at Blake, I snapped “You got a problem?”

He tried to control his laughter but failed miserably.

 “What are you doing here? This is a closed practise,” I asked.

No reply…

“What are you doing here?” I asked again, through gritted teeth.

By this time his laughter had died down enough for him to reply, “Did you just say sugar muffins?”

“Yes,” I tried for a third time, “What are you doing here Blake?”

“I’m here to practise for the gym competition with Coach Hanson,” He stated. Then, as if it was an afterthought, he added, “What are you doing here?”

My jaw just opened and closed…

“Aw cat got your tongue?” Blake teased.

Acting like I didn’t just do that I stated, “I’m here practising with Coach Illingworth”

He opened his mouth to say something but he never got change say it because with both cringed at the sound we heard. Mr Hanson was shouting at Mrs Illingworth, his voice bombing through the wall, “What do you mean you’re still using the gym? You have had it for a whole hour! Your gymnast clearly isn’t that good if she needs longer. I need it now I have gymnasts to work with as well you know!”

“My gymnast is really good; unlike you I actually try and help them instead of just watching and nodding. We can share the gym you know!” Mrs Illingworth screamed.

Blake and I looked at the door and back at each other wide eyed.  Everyone knew the p.e. teachers didn’t get along but never in a million years did I think it was this bad! I moved my eyes back to the door when I heard it open.  In walked red faced Coach Illingworth and a positively fuming Coach Hanson followed behind. I instantly look at the floor, suddenly finding it very interesting, while shuffling my feet.

The floor gradually got warmer and warmer under my feet. Crackers! I thought. I had just given myself carpet burn! Yes you heard me right… carpet burn! Blooming CARPET BURN!!

I started to hop from one foot to the other, causing Blake stated to chuckle beside me. I glared him and then turned my head towards coach Hanson and asked him, “What apparatus are you going to be using first because I’ve already been in here so a bit so I’ll work around you.”

Coach opened his mouth to speak but Blake beat him to it. “Bars,” his said, with a smirk, in a tone that you knew instantly meant it was non-negotiable.

I rolled my eyes and looked at Miss. “Beam then?” I asked. Miss nodded, turning on her heal. Her curly long brown hair whipping Coach Hanson on the cheek in the process. Coach stormed after her, probably to tell her off. Blake started his walk towards bars, flashing me what I could only assume was a signature smirk. I shook my head and walked towards the beam.



Guys you have to read Fiona Phillips' book called Auburn Tales of Love and Loss. Its amazing!!! We are both working with each other to help get ideas (her's is better though).

Han xx

P.S. To all the people who have exams with me next week :/ Good Luck you'll all do amazing :)

Falling For Who?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora