Chapter 12

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“Urgh,” I moan, plopping onto my bed. I snuggled my head into my pillow and shut my eyes. My whole body was aching from Miss’s gruelling workout, sorry I mean gymnastics. The rest of the day passed event free with boring classes and lots of homework.


I stick out my hand reaching for my bag


“Of corse you had to be out of arm reach,” I mutter as I push off the floor. Yes I had just fallen of the bed. I grabbed my bag and walked over to my desk, pulling out my phone as I walked. I dropped my bag onto my desk and unlocked my phone.

You look cut in your gym cloths xx

Unknown number

My gym clothes consisted of a dark blue sports bra with a light blue tank top and black shorts, but nobody see me in them. I only wear them for training. I ignore the text and put some music on and placed my phone on my docking station. The music blares out causing me to winch, you can tell the last time I used it was when the girls slept. I turned the volume down and took a seat in my soft black leather chair. I pulled my homework out my bag , placing it on the desk in front of me. Why do teachers give you so much homework? It's only the second day of school. My French book is on top so I start with that.

15 minutes and 5 songs later I have finished my French. French is like second nature to me because we have been going at least once a year since I was 3. 5 summers ago we decided it was time for us to buy a house there so that year’s summer holiday was spent house hunting. Very boring for me and Simon, mainly because we didn’t care what house we got as long as we got a pool and our own rooms. We ended up getting a house that will sleep 7 so my French friends can sleep every now and again. Simon is never happy when they sleep, we just think he’s grumpy because there and no boys his own age or girls old enough for him to check out. We now go to France at least 3 times a year which is awesome.


“Teas ready kids,” mum calls upstairs.

 “Tessa don’t shout up the saris; you know I hate it” I hear my dad say through the living room door, as I hurdle down the stairs.

A declivous sent filed my nostrils, making my mouth water. “What’s for tea? It smells really good,” I quizzed my mum, breaking off her argument through the door with my dad.

“Trouffade,”my mum says, smiling. She know it’s one of mine and Simon’s favourite dishes. I mean who wouldn’t like potatoes, cheese and bacon?

“Yay!” I screech as I jump up and down in what is my version of a happy dance.

Simon walks in saying, “I know that yay, it’s your trouffade yay. You’re the best Mum.” He gives her a massive bear hug, picking her up off the ground and spinning her around.

My stomach rumbled, “Ok break it up! I don’t know about you but I’m starving.” Simon sticks his tongue out but puts mum down. As soon as she’s free my mum is free, she grabs a dish cloth and whips him playfully. Her aim was perfect, right in the centre of him left bum cheek.

“That’s enough Tessa,” a voice boomed through the kitchen. We all turned around to see a very mad dad in the door way.

Simon turns reaching up to grab a bottle of lemonade from the shelf, “Relax dad. We were just messing around, you know she wouldn’t actually hurt us!”

I looked at Simon wide eyed. Dad just ignores him and takes his plate and walks into the living room. We have got used to him not eating with at the table now.

“Good to see you too dad. How was your day?” Simon said sarcastically to a door. I hit him over the head. “Hey! What was that for?”

I raised an eyebrow and shook my head. I love my brother but he doesn’t make our life any easier. We all take a seat and dig in.

After finishing off two plates and a bowl of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, I was once again lying on my bed. This time facing the ceiling. A feeling of déjà vu washed over me when my phone went off. I plodded over to my dock and pulled it off. I unlocked my phone and found a lot Facebook notifications. Going onto it I see it’s mainly from a group chat I’m in, Elisha had sent us a picture from our bowling trip. We were all eating pizza laughing. I smiled at the picture so decided to set it as my background. I also had a friend request, which was from Hunter, so automatically I accepted.

I yawned. Today had worn me out more than I thought it would. I changed into my purple fuzzy penguin joggers and a black tank top. I wandered down stairs into the bathroom, brushed my teeth.

As soon as my head hit my pillow I was asleep.


Hi. Just to let you know there isn't going to be an update for the next 2-3 weeks becasue I'm going on holiday. 


Han xx

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