Chapter 1

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Ok so this is my frst story and I have no idea if it is going to be any good... so bare with me please. But you guys all know that from school. 

Luv Han xx


Beep, Beep…

“Argh!” I moaned. It’s Monday, I thought, first day back at school after a blissful two weeks off. I slammed my hand down on my alarm. Great another year of waking up at 6am every day. I threw my covers off and swung my legs out of bed, placing my feet on the cold wooden floor. “Oh damn, cold floor, cold floor!” I said. I scrambled over to my slippers, forgetting it had rained last night, I slipped on a puddle of water.


That was the sound of me hitting the ground head first. I got up cursing holding my head, “Stupid leak!” My room was the attic conversion on the top floor of the house and as you guessed my roof leaked. Wonderful first day back at school and I’m going to have a bruise… on my face!! Walking over to my wardrobe groaning I pulled open the doors and picked out my favourite pair of jeans and a blue top. Throwing them on my bed I stepped to the side to pick up pants and a bra.

After throwing on my clothes I made my way down a floor to go to the bathroom. Only to find it was already occupied by my big brother. I banged my hand against the door shouting, “Simon get out of the bathroom now! I need to be in there more than you because unlike you I actually like to look nice” The door opened and my brother leaned on the door frame with a massive grin on his face,

“If you want to have a ride to school I’d watch what you say to your chauffeur,” he said. I rolled my eyes and shoved past him into the bathroom. I don’t have time for this I thought I need to see how big this bruise is and how much make up would be needed to cover it up. I sighed as I looked in the mirror. There was a red patch all across my forehead! I opened the bathroom cabinet and pulled out my neglected make up bag.

I was a girl who was self-conscious but I never put make up on because I didn’t want to be like the populars that caked their face in make-up products. In fact I had a group of friends of a decent size, whom I adore but we didn’t care what the populars thought of us; we did things that made us laugh and smile.

After I finished applying my make-up, which was only foundation, I ran down the last flight of stairs and walked into the kitchen. My Mum was sat at the table talking to my Dad, “Morning sweetie” they chimed together. Smiling, I sat down at the table and picked up the cereal packet that was on the table and poured some into my bowl. Just as an elephant came down the stairs… oh wait that was brother! He strolled into the kitchen and took a seat opposite me.

 “I’m leaving in 10, if you’re not ready I’m leaving without you. You wouldn’t want to be late on your first day back would you?” he asked. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. Unlike me my brother was extremely popular. Everyone knows his name and everyone wants to talk to him. He is such a flirt every girl practically throws them self at him but to my surprise, he has being faithful to the same girl, Sophie for 2 years.

Urgh he’s annoying I thought. Being the competitive girl I was I replied with, “I’ll be ready in five” With that I ran upstairs to my room to pick up my school bag.

20 minutes later

My brother pulled up to the parking lot and I hopped out of the car, which was surrounded by girls all for my brother. I spotted my friend, Deana, hanging out by the entrance talking to some boy, probably her mysterious new crush she refuses to say more about. I had just taken my first step when an unknown car pulled in. I live in INSERT CITY/TOWN NAME HERE it’s not a very small place but it’s a place where everyone knows each other, if someone new arrives everyone knows and it’s a big drama. The car pulled over and out got the cutest, hottest boy I’d ever seen. He had light brown hair that stopped just before his deep brown eyes.  Every pair of eyes was on him so what did he do he tripped and fell over, face planting the floor. Typical. While everyone laughed I walked over to him with the book that landed by my feet. “Are you ok?” I asked, handing the book back to him.

His face reddened and he simply nodded and said, “Thanks” With that he walked off.

“You’re welcome!” I called after him, while walking over to Deana. “Hey Deana. How was your summer?” I asked, smiling.

“Really, I told you that the other day when we went to the mall,” she replied rolling her eyes.

“Whatever! Oh look there’s the guys” I said. By guys I meant our friends Geri, Alice, Hannah, Leah, Ellen and Elisha. We were probably the closest group of friends at the school. While walking over to them, Deana and I had kept up small talk about school. This year was the first year of our options so we were both a bit worried about how hard they were going to be.

“Hey guys!” Deana and I greeted.

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