Chapter 13

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I would love to be able to say I had a peaceful sleep and awoke to my same old boring alarm, but of course I am awoken at 4am to a screaming match. I try to ignore it and go back to sleep, that is until I hear Simon shouting, “What do you mean you’re going on holiday?!”

I am out of bed, quicker than I thought humanly possible at 4. I creep over my room, to the door, where grab the cold metal in my hand. Gently I push it down and walk into the landing, straining my ears to hear my dad, surprisingly calm, explain what’s happening. “We are going to Hawii for four weeks.”

By the time he is finished I am at the top of the first floor stair, staring at my dad wide eyed. “What’s going on?” I question, guessing I already know the answer. My parents have a habit of leaving to go on a random holidays, we should be used to it by now but somehow it still manages to amaze me. I look between Simon and Dad, as if the answer will magically appear between them. I laugh to myself when my mum pops up in between them.

 “Hey sweetie! Sorry we woke you so early, but me and your dad are leaving in about 5 minutes,” she says, in a voice that’s far to cheery for this early.

“Don’t you ‘hey sweetie’ her,” Simon mocks, in a voice that far too high. However he continues his onslaught, “Don’t act all normal and like you weren’t going to just up and leave again! How long have you had this planned? When were you going to tell us? Were you even going to tell us or were you just going to leave us here?”

“We have had this trip planned for a month. We were going to leave a note in the kitchen, on the table, for you. You will be alone for the rest of this week and next but then Gran will join you for the last two. Be good! You know the rules: no parties, no alcohol and you know the rest.  We have to go now or we’ll miss our plane. Bye. Love you,” she says all in one breath.  We didn’t have chance to reply before she dragged dad, by the wrist, out the house and into a taxi.

“Bye then,” Simon and I call into the, now deserted street.

“We should probably go back to bed its now 4.15 and we’ll still be expected in school tomorrow so we may as well get the 2 and a bit hours sleep we have until we need to get up for school,” Simon says, shuffling up the stairs past me. I nod my head and trail behind yawning.  Once I reached the second floor I said, “Night again,” to Simon, who gave a sharp nod before walking into his room. I continue up, not really feeling the carpet under my feet, which didn’t really matter, or register until I missed a step. This proved problematic because I ended up in a pile outside Simons room.

Simon shouted through his door, “What happened?”

“Just fell down the stairs,” I shout back.

Hearing this Simon rushed out his room. “You ok?” I  nodded my head and pushed myself off the floor. I started my accent again, making sure I was fully aware of where my feet were going.


My alarm sounded, but I was already up and dressed. After the events that happened early in the morning, I tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep. I finally gave up trying at 5.30am getting up a whole 30minutes early. I picked up my bag, pulled my phone from its charger and walked out my room, shutting the door behind me. As I walked downstairs I text Elisha

How do you fancy a 4 week sleepover? xx

She replied instantly

 Do you really have to ask? I’m there. Where have they gone this time? Is your gran coming over? xx

I laughed. I knew she would say yes, but I feel you always have to give people an option to say no. The fact she knew my parents had left and my gran was going to be coming over showed just how often this happened. Each and every time it happened I invited Elisha over for a sleepover, most nights another friend came home with us as well because my gran falls asleep on the sofa, orders pizza for us or will sit and drink with us.

I placed my phone back into my pocket as I walked into the kitchen. I noticed a pile of cash on the table along with a note. I shook my head as I walked over to grab it. The note read:

Gone to Hawaii. Don’t have too many takeaways, there is such a place as Tesco. I also put some money into your banks, don’t spend It all. See you in four weeks Love Mum xx

I grabbed my purse from my bag and then I picked up the £50 cash she had left, putting £30 in it and £20 back on the table for Simon. I took more because it will be me that went to the supermarket because if not we will have to live of crisps, beer and chocolate, not that that’s bad but with gran coming over that’s not a great idea.

Now what to have for breakfast… I could choose from: chocolate croissant, chocolate crepe, coco pops, Weetabix, special K or fruit. I decided to go for a healthy option; I grabbed a red apple and bit into it, relishing the burst of sweet juice.

By the time Simon walked into the kitchen I had finished my apple and was now sat on my phone, playing guess the colour. “About time bro we were supposed to leave 5 minutes ago,” I said, adding as an afterthought, “What’s the shade of blue is the domino pizza logo?”

Simon just rolled his eyes and started to speak, “We’re not going to be late so chill and I don’t know the shade of blue it is just guess. Did you get my sleep after the left last night?”

I shook my head, “You?”

Simon also shook his head, “I wish they’d stop screwing us around” I just laughed. Simon picked up his car keys before gesturing to the door with his head, signalling it was time to go. I jumped up off the chair I was sat on, picked up my bag and started walking behind Simon out the front door. I picked up my house keys on the way out and locked the door, before plopping into Simon’s car.

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