Chapter 6

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Thank god! First day complete, yes! I smiled as I walked up to my brothers’ car. My brother was kissing Sophie. I cleared my throat, but they didn’t make any effort to break apart. “Bro… I would like to get home at a decent time tonight,” I said, the boredom showing in my voice. They finally broke apart; Sophie had a goofy grin plastered on her face.

“Calm your farm sis. I’ll meet at your house for 7pm Soph,” Simon explained, obviously very happy about the date they were having tonight.

“See you later babe,” Sophie said. “Bye Autumn,” she added as an afterthought.

I jumped in the car as Sophie walked away. I pulled out my phone and saw I had a text- it was from Elisha

We still on for tonight? xx

I quickly replied with a yeah. I placed my phone back into my pocket just as my brother hoped I the car once Sophie had safely driven out of the car park. He placed the key in the ignition and the engine roared into life.

The journey home was silent so my head was filled with the thoughts I had managed to keep out for 2 days. I can’t believe Logan has a new girlfriend. He knows I hate her! Is he doing this to get back at me? If he is it’s not working because I just don’t like him anymore. These thoughts carried on and before I knew it we were at home.

“Thanks bro.” I said as I hopped out the car. I got my keys out because both my parents work late. I placed the keys in the lock and twisted opening the door. I turned on the lights and was just about to step inside when I saw a removal ran next door. How did I not see that was I really that spaced out on the way home? My brother stepped past me into the house. I was about to step in the house when a women came out of the house and smiled and said, “Hi I’m Aurora but everyone calls me Rory, I’m your new neighbour. I just moved in with my son.”

I smiled and said, “Nice to meet you I‘m Autumn. Will I know your son? Does he go to Easingwold High?”

“Yes he does he’s 17 and his name is Hunter. Do you know him?”

Just as she said that Hunter walked out the house, “Talking about me again are you mother” he asked. He then looked over at us, finally noticing me standing there, “Oh Autumn! What are you doing here?”

“Don’t be so rude! She’s our new neighbour, I see you’ve met already.”

I answer for us, “Yeah we actually had lunch together today and he met all my friends” His face had started reddening at my comment only to be made worse by what I heard next.

“Oh Hunter you’ve finally made some friends! I knew a new start would do you good.” Explained Rory. By now Hunters face was as red as beetroot, much to my amusement.

“Mum don’t you need to start on dinner?” asked Hunter.

 Rory seemed to get the message that Hunter wanted her to leave because she said, “Goodbye Autumn. Lovely to meet you,” walking back into the house.  I didn’t even have time to say bye myself. We stood there in award silence for a while.

“Your mum seems nice,” I said; finally filling a gap.

“Yeah you won’t say that once you get to know her. Anyway I’ve got to go and unpack. Night Autumn,” he said.

“Bye Hunter. See you tomorrow… We meet by the labs in the morning, if you want to come.” I said nervously.

“Thanks we’ll see,” Hunter smiled. With that we both turned around and walked into our houses.

I was walking into my room when my brother appeared out of his room, “What took you so long out there?”

“I was talking to the new neighbours. They are really nice.” I stated walking up the second flight of stairs to my room. I flopped on my bed, fishing my phone out of the pocket to check the time. Damn Elisha would be here any minute now to pick me up. After the first day of the new school year we all went bowling and predicted what the new school year would bring. I picked up my bag down stairs calling out to my brother, “I’m off bowling with the girls see you later.” Just as I reached the bottom of the stairs a car horn was honked, followed by a high pitched scream “HURRY YOUR ASS UP MILL”.

Trust Elisha.

Like always Deana won and I came last. After bowling we went for pizza and started giving out our predictions. “I predict Chloe will screw things up with Logan before the end of the school year,” Geri was saying when I sat down at the table.

Alice nodded saying, “Yep that will defiantly happen. I can already see Logan is getting annoyed with her clinginess.”

We all nodded at that. “My turn. I predict Autumn will fall for the bad boy,” said Ellen.

“Which one?” I asked. At our school there were three boys all referred to as ‘the bad boy’. They were all friends but they didn’t really have anyone else.

Ellen smiled when she said, “Brody” That was the one name I didn’t want to hear. Brody was the leader of ‘the bad boys’. He got into the most fights, which meant that unsurprisingly he has been arrested the most. I started shaking my head vigorously, but Ellen carried on, “I think he likes you. Plus didn’t you say you sat next to him in English?”

When I started to nod Ellen’s smile grew wider, “That doesn’t mean I’m going to end up with him though does it?” I said, “You and Evan didn’t end up dating last year!”

“Autumn wake up! Everyone knows English is the lesson where you get the most assignments. Assignments mean working with the people who sit next to you… need we say more?” asked Elisha. 


A/N Comment what you think so far 

Han xx

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