1 : Darling Malfoy

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Malfoy Manor was filled with bustling elves, rushing to pack their little mistress' trunk. Textbooks were filled with notes and pointers, inkpots only had a quater of ink left, even though the girl hasn't even started her first year of school yet.

A snow owl by the name of Ella, sat perched in its cage, enjoying the company of a silvery-white haired cat. The cat sat in front of an open charms book as if trying to memorize the last spell in the thick textbook.

"Darling, your father would like to talk to you for a moment. Head to his study, will you?"Hermione Granger-Malfoy called, walking into her 11 year old's room.

Hermione held a pair of twins beside her, both were no older than 5 years old. The girl played with the freshly-picked flower and the boy holding a book titled, 'Alice In Wonderland'.

"I will. See you later mum!" Darling Malfoy called, running to her father's study, transforming from her Animagus form to her human form again.

Darling Malfoy had misty grey eyes, fair skin and nearly white, platinum blonde hair. Despite her cold and quiet nature, she was caring and mature beyond her age. Darling was also very smart due to her love of reading and isolating herself in the Malfoy Manor's library. By the age of 10, she had already read all five thousand, eight hundred and fifty-nine books. Including the encyclopedias and forbidden spell books, which she only plans to use for protection.

She was the eldest daughter of Draco and Hermoine Malfoy.


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