9 : Sorting Hat

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Interesting... A daughter of both sides. Should I put you in Gryffindor or Slytherin? Hm... Both'd do wonders for this pretty little head of yours.

" That remark was completely useless." Darling replied as the hat's voice resonated in her head.

Ohh straightforward and sassy I see. I sense some ambition and wisdom within you.

"It's been three minutes. Could you speed up the process?" She shot back, irritated at the fact that it was taking such a long time.

Alright alright.

" RAVENCLAW!" The hat finally decided, making the Ravenclaw table cheer as she took her place at the table beside Blair. Prefects and students shook her hands in excitement knowing that she was indeed going to be the pride and joy of their beloved house.

Darling glanced at her mother who was smiling beside Professor Mcgonagall and Professor Longbottom.

" I knew you would get Ravenclaw!" Blair shrieked, putting a side of mash potatoes on Darling's empty plate then discussing about the room assigned to them. The feast continued but unknown to Darling, there were two pairs of eyes fixed on the dark haired girl.

The eyes of James Potter and Braydon Zabini.


A/N : thank you for reading! Please vote and comment 🌟❤️ i'm having my exams right now soooo updates may be abit slow :'(

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