11 : Meeting Teddy

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" Shut up Bray... Zac, stop the fist bumping," Teddy groaned as the three sat at the Hufflepuff table for breakfast.

" Oh come on, Teds. Loosen up you badger boy," Zabini laughed, biting on a piece of toast. "Have a piece."

" Freaking hell-," Ted cussed, throwing his hands in frustration, nearly hitting Darling in the face.

" What a bro moment. Where's my dick so I can join y'all," Darling interrupted, making the trio look up at the girl. She plopped beside the Ravenclaw who was reading and drinking his orange juice in silence.

Teddy thwacked her on the head making Darling hiss and glare at the older boy, then smiling at the other two seniors. To Darling, only those she feels comfortable with would see her smile. So within those 2 seconds, the Slytherin and Ravenclaw freaked out after seeing the first year stare daggers at their friend then smiling at them the next.

She held her hand out at the two older second years. "Darling Hermione Malfoy, pleasure to meet you."

"Zachery Jayson Liu. Ravenclaw, fifth year. Nice to meet you, Darling," the Chinese boy on her right smiled. He took of his silver-rimmed glass, revealing his rare, violet colour eyes. Along with his messy black hair, the few girls sitting around them were clearly blown away by his charm and friendly aura.

" Are you-," Darling asked, pointing at his leather covered notebook that was filled with handwritten potion making notes.

" No. I'm not Cho Chang's son! Why does everyone think I'm related to her?" He exclaimed, exasperated.

" I just wanted to ask if you're reading on Liquid Luck... I mean, with your eyes, it's obvious your part of the Liu Clan that resides in the Northern part of China. I read about your family clan on the Pureblood Clans in Asia book. Your father is Jayson Liu Zhi Yuan, the current leader, master in potion making and archery. You are the heir of the family with your younger sister, Isabella Rose Liu Qi Fang. I'm I right?" She recalled, remember about the book she read in the library back in the manor. " The Lius are born with a rare, violet coloured eyes that differentiate them from the red eyes Wu Clan in Southern China."

M" Well, yea, liquid luck. How the heck do you know so much? Bloody hell. Definitely a Ravenclaw," Zachery muttered, embarrassed of his outburst. Darling patted him on the back and averted her gaze to the dark skinned boy with the same blue eyes Blair has.

" I'm Zabini, Braydon Zabini. Blair's older brother. Slythe-," Braydon Zabini stated. Chocolatey brown skin, broad body figure, the male Zabini looked like his father.

" Slytherin. Like my father," she finished, looking through a small diary. " There is this girl. She's amazing, beautiful just like mother and Blair. Caught a glimpse of her at the station with her siblings and parents. I hope she'll be in Slytherin. I presume this is yours, Zabini. Keep it in you bag before someone finds it and spreads it to the world. I'm loving the penmanship though."

Laughing, she returned the diary to its rightful owner, whose blood was completely drained from his face. Just before he could ask her how she found it, a boisterous group of Gryffindors entered the Great Hall. The air around their table went still as Darling's blood froze at the sound of one boy's persistent rambling. Potter.

A/N : thank you for reading! Please vote and comment 🌟❤️

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