4 : Diagon Alley

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Wondering through the crowded alley, Darling had one arm linked with her nine year-old brother, Hayden and the other was linked to the older of the twins, Dexter. Hayden piggybacked the sleeping younger twin, Hayley. With their parents in front, the Malfoy siblings followed, heading to Gringotts Bank.

Wizarding and muggle families passed the family of six as everyone was shopping for their back-to-school supplies. Dexter tugged Darling's sleeve excitedly as they passed the newly opened bookstore along the alley. The display cabinet had a book of Beauty and the Beast, Biography of The Boy who Lived, as well as multiple other original and classic books. Being a book fanatic herself, Darling pulled Hayden along towards the bookstore.

"Darling why not you just buy your writing materials here as well? We'll be at the tea shop with the Potters. I can take Hayley and Dexter if you want," Draco Malfoy suggested, handing a pouch of money he'd just took from the bank. "There should be enough money for your robes as well."

"I want to stay!  Please mummy?" Dexter asked, unable to control his excitement.

"All right. Just listen to Darling and Hayden, okay?" Hermione patted his head fondly before reaching over to carry Hayley off Hayden's shoulders. "Thank you so much Hayden. Mummy will buy you the shoes you've been wanting.  Have fun!'
-Darling's POV-
"Welcome! What can I help you few with?" The bright looking shopkeeper beamed at us.

"Do you sell size 0.4 point quills and the midnight blue and jet black ink pots?" I asked, specific with my colour choices because as mother says, 'Colour plays a part in the essays you write. The focus should be the topic not the colour. Monotone yet unique. Everyone has their own shade they're comfortable with.'

"Of course we do. Just delivered and stocked today. How many would you like, miss?"

"Maybe 10 quills, 5 ink pots per colour and 20 parchments. They're 24 by 30 in size, right?" I ordered.

"Yes indeed. I'll have them delivered over by tomorrow dawn. May I know is this all? The young misters seem interested in the new book we launched yesterday.  Magical Memories. It's a pretty good book for intermediate readers. Not really suitable for the five year old though." She recommended, pointing to the large poster of the newly launched book.

"I'll take a copy. Send it. To the Malfoy Manor along with the rest please. May I pay the bill now?"I smiled, taking out the small blue silk pouch with the family crest embroidered to it.

" Of course! The total is 25 gallons. Here's the order receipt. The delivery owl will have you sign the other print once you've received your orders. It's advised to give him a treat. He loves it when people do that," the shopkeeper laughed. "Have a nice day!"
- Third person POV-
"What took you so long?" Hayden asked, pulling his hoodie back on then doing the same for Dexter as it started raining cats and dogs.

"Had to order the supplies and fill the forms," Darling replied, pulling out an umbrella from her tote bag and drag Hayden and Dexter under it before venturing to Madam Malkin's Cloak and Robe shop.

Madam Mallkin was a short, smiley lady who sells robes for any occasion. Once settling Hayden and Dexter at the sitting area, Darling went to find Madam Malkin's in the fitting room. There, she was fitting a boy. Barely recognisable. Brown wavy hair, green eyes, well built figure and somehow viewed himself as EXTREMELY important. James Sirius Potter. Many would have swoon over the boy but Darling only felt a sense of disgust from the overconfident boy.

"Hello Dearie, step on the stool for me alright. I'll measure your robes and send them to you by tomorrow," she beamed, flicking her wand and the measuring tape started to measure her robes on its own. " And, Done! Give me a moment I'll handle the receipt and have you fill out the name and address."

Darling stood quietly once Madam Malkin left. Leaving the two strangers in awkward silence.

"You're quite a beauty. Must be Aunt Hermione and Mister Malfoy's daughter. Ahh, I forgot to introduce myself, James Pott-," the boy chattered oblivious of the blonde's reaction.

"I know who you are. Potter. Rather famous name, ain't it. Unlike his father, this ones abit like a... trumpet." She replied, cutting him off completely.

" Trumpet? What do you mean?" He asked, cocking his head to the side.

"Loud. Useless. Music would be disrupted with a SPOILED trumpet. You know?" Her words laced with poison as she smiled calmly at the foolish boy.

" Who you calling loud eh? If my father hadn't saved yours, you wouldn't have been born! Always the Malfoys acting all high and mighty. Ungrateful swine," he muttered under his breath.

"I'm sorry.."

"You should be," he laughed, proud that he won the argument.

"I'm sorry to Mr Potter and Mdm Weasley for giving birth to this delusional and stupid clown." Darling rebutted, smirking at the look on Potter's face. "You know, you didn't have to overcompensate if your abilities are smaller than your best friend down there."

"Excuse m-,"

" Ah Ms Malfoy! The total is 15 galleons. I'll deliver this to Malfoy Manor tomorrow. Have a nice day!" She called, making sure the money was paid for and the sizing was on point.

"Bye Potter!" She laughed when she left the room.
"Mother, Father, we're back. I got my robes and materials. Just missing a wand. I'll go get it now," Darling said hastily dropping Hayden and a dozing-off Dexter at the Ice cream parlour.

"I'll go with you Darling," Hermione called, putting on her coat and following Darling out.

"Anything you saw along the streets? I could get  it for you if you want," Hermione offered to her daughter, sighing when she declined. "I must have saved the world or something in my previous life to have such an amazing daughter like you."

A/N : thank you for reading! It's kinda lengthy this time but please vote and comment 🌟❤️

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