Story 8: Take Care Of Him

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"Okay, honey, I'm going on vacation now," I yelled at my husband. "Remember what I said about Taennie."

"Yes, always look out for him," Taehyung said.


"I'm going to make sure that he goes to bed at 8," he added.

"Good, okay bye, honey," I said and kissed him goodbye.


I picked up or toddler from the couch and carried him up towards Jennie.

"Okay, mommy is going to go now," Jennie said to our baby.

She then kissed him on the forehead for 5 seconds.

"Hey, what the heck, I only get a kiss for one second, and he gets a kiss for 5 seconds," I complained.

"Okay, bye-bye now," and then Jennie left.

Once Jennie left the house, I looked at my son.

"You see that your mom loves you more than me," I said in a jokingly way.

All he did was giggle at me. Which obviously made me smile, of course.

"You're lucky that your so cute," I said.

I then carried him to his little play area, then set him down. I just observed him playing with his toy trucks and cars, moving them across the floor. As he was playing, my phone rang. I went into another room to take the call.


Taehyung: Hello

Jimin: Hey whatsup

Taehyung: Oh, hey dude

Jimin: So Jhope and I are heading out, do you want to come with us

Taehyung: Sorry, man, I got to watch over my kid. Jennie is out of town on her vacation.

Jimin: Oh well, then I will see you later, then.

Taehyung: Okay, bye


After I got down with my call, I headed back to the play area. But once I got there, Taennie was nowhere to be found.

"Uh, Taennie, where did you go," I asked.

I mind began to race.

"Oh my god, I did not just lose you on the first day," I said to myself.

I started to look around the house. I looked in his room, closet, even the freaking laundry room, but nothing.

WANNA BANG  // TaennieHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin