'Didn't I die? I thought heaven would've been, you know, not winter wonderland', I thought as I scratched my head, but stopped when I felt two sticks holding up the back of my hair into a ponytail. 

"No, you didn't die, but you're close to it", said a female voice from up ahead, through the fog.

"What do you mean? I know that I was dying due to the blood loss and burning alive", I said while holding my stomach from where I got stabbed, to feel no pain.

Then I grabbed onto my arm to feel no pain either, but saw a long scar on it.

"Yes, but I revived you long enough to propose a deal with you", as the voice said that, a glowing blue figure came into my view from where the voice came from.

"Who are you?", I asked.

"Akari, but others may know me as the 'Demoness of Light' ", Akari said as she stopped in front of me so I could get a good look at her. 

To my surprise, she was a white tiger that was 8 feet tall. But the most distinctive features are the glowing blue eyes. The same blue eyes that I have seen from a month now.

"You...you're the one that has been stalking me, aren't you?"

"I wouldn't call it stalking. Observing? Yes. Haunting? Maybe. But stalking isn't what I have been doing."

"But, why me?"

"Your friend, well ex friend now, Karie has summoned me during a seance in an attempt to obtain my power. So I rejected her because all I saw in her soul was darkness. Hearing this from me mad her angry and when I told her to send me back to my dimension, she denied me. Meaning that I had to roam around your dimension for a worthy soul to send me back. And my search had come to an end when I found you. You're not like the other souls that I have met, and that is a good thing. And so, when Karie went to your house, I was curious if you was worthy so I went along too. And you were, causing me to become attached to your soul. I observed you, followed you, even messed with your belongings just for kicks."

"Well, one, you scared the shit out of me so fuck you. Two, what is the deal you mentioned?"

"Oh, right. Well it's sort of like a contract."

"If this is going to be like Black Butler then you can already send me to heaven."

"No, it's not like 'Black Butler'. This contract is different."

"Then explain it for me."

"The contract that I'm proposing to you, allows me to give you half my power. It also allows me to protect you when needed, and no I won't eat your soul. I'll just be your protector."

"Wow. You must have been lonely in your dimension to propose this contract to me."

"I could eat your soul if I wanted to right now."

"Alright, alright. I was just kidding."

"Good. So what shall it be, because we don't have much time."


'Having power doesn't seem bad, and if I reject her then I know I will surely die. But I don't want to die yet. Just because those three did what they did to me, doesn't mean it's my time. And she seems cool enough to be around so why not.'

"Yes. I accept", I said while nodding.

"Good choice, because you were almost too late with your answer."

'I should really learn how to shut the fuck up in my thoughts.'

"You really should. You're pretty loud in your head, it's kind of cute."

Contract: Various! Naruto X Reader [ DISCONTINUED ]Where stories live. Discover now