Mr. Strongest-demigod-of-all-time

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*sniff sniff* 

*sniff sniff*



"Percy, Percy, breathe!!! I need you to calm down," Annabeth said after dropping her book on the floor. 

"I am okay, I am okay," Percy said, trying to catch his breath. 

"Do you have a cold? I told you I didn't need your coat yesterday," she said,  referencing to  yesterday when he gave her a second coat on their walk. 

"No... I have been through tartarus, I have defeated gaea, I am the strongest demigod of all time, I do not get stopped by a little chill," He said ending his little rant with a sniffle. 

"Ok, Mr. strongest-demigod-of-all-time, come here," she said pulling him over to him. 

She gently placed her hand on his forehead, feeling for a temperature. He, as she guessed, had a bed fever. He began mouth breathing, unable to properly breath through his nose. 

"Hey, how about we go upstairs, get you into bed, and eat ice cream and watch movies all night," Annabeth said, pulling him up to the loft steps. 

"Okay, but can you get the vanilla tub, and the caramel syrup? I love caramel. Ooooohhhhhh can you bring blue sherbet actually," he asked, stepping up the first few steps before stopping. 

"Yes, I will, but you get in bed, so I can help you get better, ok?" she said, pushing him up the stairs. 

She grabbed the sherbet, VapoRub, brewed a cup of tea, and went back up to the loft. When she got up there, she found him, displaying himself like a platter of dessert. Annabeth sighed rolling her eyes and setting next to him.

"Ok, settle down there partner. Come here, I need to give you this. Shirt..." she said, holding up the VapoRub.

"Oh, I get it, you want to use me as an ice cream cone," he said, pulling off his shirt and scooting himself toward her, a sneaky grin on his face. 

"Ok, now this is getting out of hand. You need some VapoRub," she gently rubbed the gel over his chest, hoping to help clear his sinuses. 

They laid down, while Annabeth turned on MacGyver, and opened the sherbet container. they sat there watching tv, and eating sherbet until the whole bin was empty. Somehow, they ended up cuddled, talking about everything, from past quests to what pizza topping was best. *hack*

"Hey, love. That cough is getting pretty bad, how about you have a lozenge," she said reaching for the baggie. 

"No Annie, those taste bad... and they smell," he whined wrinkling his nose for effect.

"How about no more kisses. Or hugs, or cuddles, or handholding, or movie watching, or..." she listed.

"Okay! okay! I will eat the stupid thing," he shouted before putting the lozenge in his mouth and making an 'mmmmmmmm' sound to satisfy her. 

She pecked his lips before holding his head to her chest trying to help him fall asleep. Annabeth played with his hair as he drifted off to sleep. She couldn't help but lean down to kiss his forehead, his black locks sweeping gently along his face. She loved him, more than anything and would do anything just for his happiness. She slowly fell asleep, to dream peacefully of their future together, because she knew, together they could get through anything no matter how big.

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