Don't test me!

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I was just kind of wandering off in my head and I had like started imagining this scenario. I really wanted some, Protective Percy situations, so you get this.

(Annabeth's dad, stepmom, and stepbrothers, moved to New York, so Annabeth could go to school at Goode)

"So, let me just make sure I understand. You and Annabeth are going to go to the movies to watch some chick-flick, then get food?" My mom said, carrying in groceries. "Yes and No, we are going to the movies, to see, some chick-flick, getting chick-fil-a, then we are gonna do something, maybe chill, maybe arcade, I dunno," I responded. She shook her head laughing, "You are really okay with that?" I was shocked she would think any less of me, "Mom, I love her. I would do anything to make her happy."

"My boy is in love. I knew I raised a wonderful, young man. If I don't see a ring on her finger, by this time next year, we will be having conversations," she said, causing him to hurry inside. "I'm gonna go get ready for my date, mom," I shouted, locking the door to my room.  I opened my closet, to find an outfit. I grabbed some jeans and a grey t-shirt, putting them in my bathroom. I grabbed a towel then hopped in the shower. 

Once I was done in the shower, I got dressed and threw on a sweatshirt. I ran my fingers through my messy locks, untangling them. I had to pick Annabeth up at 11, and it was 10:30. I grabbed my keys and left, jumping in the Sea Green challenger, from my dad. On the way, I thought about what,  Annabeth would think of my outfit. She always said I needed to work on my fashion sense. 

I knocked on the front door, waiting for someone to answer.

*Frederick Chase POV*

"Dad someone's at the door," I heard one of the twins yell. I knew who it was, Percy Jackson. I have never met him, but Annabeth always talks about him. I guess it's time to be Mr. Intimidating. I opened the door, to see a handsome young man, scars on his arms visible because of his rolled-up sleeves. "So, son, you get into fights, because I can't imagine all of those scars are from monsters," I said, folding my arms. 

He began to fidget, he had to of been abused. When you have been abused, you know when others have. "No, Sir. I don't get in fights. But not all of my scars are from monsters," he mumbled, just loud enough for Annabeth's stepmom to hear.

"Oh Fredrick, I told you he wasn't a good influence. He's probably some gang member. I don't want your daughter around my kids, we need to send her to military school," she started. Percy began to get visibly angry, "You will not send her away. I don't care what some old, wrinkly, rich guy's baby girl thinks of me. But Annabeth is the smartest, kindest, most beautiful, human-being on earth, and I will not let people go around thinking otherwise. If you took a moment to actually care about what we have been through, than you wouldn't be testing me and making stupid claims about her. I fell into hell for her, I am tortured worse than you can ever imagine, by tartarus herself, just so Annabeth can live a mostly happy life. You may think I'm just saying things but if you went through even a shred of what I've been through, you would be gone. I was beaten by my step-father without even telling my own mother, just because I wanted her to be happy. I may have been through everything, but don't think I wouldn't go through it again, in the name of Annabeth. So, before you start talking crap in front of me again, just remember that I could give you more scars than I have, in a matter of seconds. I could damage you so bad mentally you would not manage, just by showing you a sliver of what I have been through. I am going to go get my girlfriend, and we are going to go on a happy date, and you will not mention any of this, you will not think of treating her like anything less than a queen. It was nice to meet you Mr. Chase. Have a good day."

*Percy Pov*

Oh god I hope Annabeth didn't hear that, I thought as I went up the stairs looking for Annabeth. I found her at the top of the stairs, tears in her eyes. Of course she heard me, now she wants to break up for me threatening her stepmom. "Hey, can we talk outside?" I ask, signaling her to go down the stairs. She nods and I follow her down and out of the house.

We sit down inside my car, and begin to speak, "I'm sorry for shouting, I just got really upset, I get it if you never want to see me again."

"No! I am so happy! I love you so much, I didn't know Tartarus was doing that to you, or about Gabe."

I nod slowly, shocked. She leaned over grabbing my face and pulling it to her. I sat there, looking into her grey eyes, wondering how I got her. We sat there for a while until she kissed me lightly and said, "Why don't we go to your place and cuddle."

"YES, MA'AM!" I saluted, starting the car. We drove back in silence, holding hands, and glancing at each other. We got back and hurried past my confused mom, and she sat on my bed. I crawled up lying face down on her stomach. She wrapped her ankles around my calves, entangling our legs. My arms automatically wrapped around her abdomen, letting her play with my damp hair.

Eventually I fell asleep, from the pleasant head massage she was giving me. What I didn't know was, she stayed, watching me, to make sure I rested well.

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