𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝟕𝟓𝟎

Start from the beginning

Harley pulls herself out of her thoughts and continues through the store, removing the lace gloves off her hands as she strides through the many aisles of the store. Finally, she comes across the doll aisle and has no other option than to welcome it with open arms.

The aisle is a filthy mess with its sticky floors, crayon-colored walls and clutters of toys on the floor. Nevertheless, she grins. It has to be here! Her feet pump behind her as a child-like squeal of excitement emits from her throat. Her feet, dressed in a pair of pink, knee-length boots, take a giant leap, dropping her onto a pile of toys.

Now on the heap of cotton-stuffed dolls, she looks around at the different styles of dolls before her. She tosses them behind her as she searches for what she came for.

"There's gotta be one here somewhere," she mutters, grabbing a red-headed doll and violently ripping it in half.

"Harley," a feathery woman's voice chimes behind her, and she turns around to find Alice and Edward Cullen standing behind her with several shopping bags in hand. They're dressed for December's cold, both their necks adorned with black scarfs and their hands secured with matching-colored mittens.

This is when Edward Cullen realizes that his sneaky sister hadn't dragged him along for some "sisterly-brotherly bonding time" but because she knew Harleen would be here.

A week has passed since Bella's disastrous birthday and the permanent tear in their relationship. Not much has changed, though, except for his much-needed trip to Alaska and the lack of messages or phone calls he's received from his girlfriend. The truth is that she's moved on. She was ready for this way before he was. And it wasn't until his sisters dragged him from Denali that he slowly began to gain his strength back. This is his first outing since the breakup, and as you've seen, he's fallen into his sister's trap.

Harley's big, blue eyes immediately light up once seeing her best friend, her body fixing herself to stand up off the floor. "Oh, my gosh," she squeals as she leaps towards her for a big hug. "Where in God's green, flat earth have you been?"

The blonde's loud squeals ring through Alice's sensitive ears, causing her to cringe slightly, but she smiles nevertheless and returns the loving embrace. "Harls, we spoke on the telephone.. yesterday," she chuckles heartily.

"I know," Harley exclaims, bouncing on her feet like a small child. "I missed my best friend sooo much!"

With her cold arms snaked around her, the short-haired vampire glances at her eldest brother, who looks away from the two. Still, she notices the slight flutter of his ears, meaning he's listening into their conversation. Her smile brightens as she pulls away from the hug. "So, what brings you here?"

"Oh, just shoppin' around," the child-like seventeen-year-old giggles. "I need ta get my hands on that new Chatty Boo-Boo doll before they went on sale tomorrow."

"Oh," Alice sings playfully as she pulls out a brand new Chatty Boo-Boo doll from a plastic shopping bag. "Is this what you're looking for?"

A loud gasp escapes from Harleen's painted red lips as she watches her friend extend her hands. She gently takes the toy out of her hands, her eyes lighting up as bright as the Christmas tree up front. A cheerful smile caresses her lips as she looks up to find Alice giggling and Edward peaking at her through the corner of his eyes.

"I love it," she laughs and holds the doll to her chest. "You sneaky, little pixie!"

Edward releases a deep sigh, his shoulders dropping. Sneaky, she is, Harleen. Sneaky, she is..

𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐃𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐬                     (𝐄𝐝𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧)Where stories live. Discover now