Chapter 2

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The Mello Cello is surprisingly very empty for a Thursday night. I inquire to Dax about it, "Dakota. Something's up. It's too empty in here."

"I have my gun on me, Oliver. Nothing to worry about. Drinks on the house! Let's enjoy our last night," they say so nonchalantly.

"Should've known. You never go anywhere without it," I say while slightly laughing.

"Where we sitting?" they ask.

I exclaim, "The bar! Fastest way to get drinks. Cut out the middleman."

Dakota starts ordering drinks, "Yo, Quincy! We need 2 shots of whiskey with coke chasers followed by mojitos."

Quincy replies, "On it Dakota! How are y'all doing tonight? Enjoying this weather?"

Dax smiles, "We're doing great. Weather is perfect. You know how I like it." They said that last part with a wink.

I drop my voice low so only they can hear, "Dakota, what was that about? Since when are you on good terms with the barkeep?"

"Oh Quincy. . . we know each other from around. Starting to become friends now though." They said that with absolutely no emotion but all the feelings were there. There is no word to describe how Dax is when they say that. You have to be here to see it.

"Got it. Another fuck buddy," I laugh slightly annoyed. I understood all of it even though they went all around the subject."

Dax picks up on what I'm thinking and counters with, "Well yeah, but it's more than that."

"So, you serious with him?"

"Not at all. It's complicated."

After Dax retorts, there's a bit of an awkward silence that gets interrupted by Quincy, "Got whiskeys with chasers and mojitos."

"Thanks Quincy," I manage to speak out through the tension in the air.

"Anytime. Holla at me if you need something," Quincy says before attending to making another drink for someone else.

I'm surprised to hear Dakota respond, "You know we will."

I can tell there's something going on with Dakota. Even though Dakota's worried about me, this doesn't make sense: the emptiness of the bar, knowing the bar employees, the friendliness with them, acting like they own the place. Yeah, Dakota has a lot of confidence and does get a lot of action, but they never acted like this in our bar before. I'm just rolling with it because I'm trying to enjoy tonight. Dakota doesn't want to put more stress on me after what happened earlier.

So, after normal conversation and regular catching up we finally finish our drinks. I like to savor my mojitos.

Dakota jumps up, "Alright. Time for Inferno! Quincy, catch ya later."

Quincy replies, "See ya guys. Have fun and be safe. Oh and Dakota, tell your Pops, I said hi."

Dakota adjusts the collar on their suit jacket as they say, "You can tell him yourself tomorrow. He'll be by."

Quincy hesitates, "Oh, okay. Thanks for the heads up."

After some time walking to Inferno, it keeps nagging at me what happened back there. Dakota may not tell me, and we're not in our spot, but I just have to ask. "What the hell was that back there? You were acting like you owned the place. It was more than your normal amount of confidence, and we didn't even pay for our drinks. In addition to the place being basically empty, everyone was comfortable with you. Even Quincy seemed scared of your dad when you said he was stopping by tomorrow."

"They have a good reason to fear my dad. That's all. They also know that I carry my gun with me should any trouble occur. Nothing to worry about right now. It will all work out in due time," Dax states so calmly.

"If you say so, but your dad's not scary. He's the dad I never had," I concede but quickly switch gears. "Anyways, it was like the bar completely switched auras when you walked in with your demeanour enhanced with your amazingly sexy white suit."

"It probably did," Dax clarifies. Then they try to reassure me, "Thanks for the compliment. Now stop stressing. You have enough of that to do. Let's get more drinks and dance on whoever's willing."

"Now that sounds like a plan."

When we get to the club, the bouncers take one look at us and let us in. They don't even pat us down or ask us for ID or payment. That was the fastest and easiest entrance to a club ever. It's like when I got those instructions, Dakota got more control over the city. And with how my life is turning out right now, that honestly does not surprise me. Let's enjoy these perks while they last and make sure Dax knows to stay safe and keep an eye out. I'll bring it up when they start to get buzzed. That way it takes them longer to process what's being said and hopefully they let something slip.

"Dakota! Drinks!" I say a little louder than I needed to but still with all seriousness.

"On it," they nod as they head to the counter. I follow close behind to the counter.

Dax began, "Avery, my friend."

Avery snarls, "What do you want Dakota?"

"Why does it have to be like that?" Dakota pleads innocently." But speaking of that, drinks."

"Shoot," Avery acknowledges.

Dakota elaborates, "I want a blow job shot followed by a rumple minze shot. Oliver here will have a shot of chartreuse followed by a shot of crème de menthe.

"That all, Dakota?" hints Avery to get them to shut up.

"For now. Thanks boo," Dakota winks then Avery attends to other matters.

"Thanks for the shots Dax."

Dakota claps my back, "Anytime Ollie."

I just watched a painful interaction, "So what the fuck was that with you and Avery?"

"Avery's just cold and all business. Doesn't know how to be friendly."

"So, what about that guy over there or that lady on the other side of the room? Any worth dancing with?"

"I'll take the guy; you take the lady. You're more of a gentleman than me," Dax quips.

"I'll drink to that," I declare while I raise my glass.

And with that, we toast our second shots and go ask these people to dance. They both were very happy that we asked them to dance. You could see it on their faces. They were glowing. After dancing for a bit, I get asked a question that I'm used to after all these years being friends with Dax. "I'm surprised you asked me to dance. I thought you would have been dancing with your partner."

I burst out laughing, "Oh, them. We're not together. That's my best friend."

The club goer is completely shocked, "Seriously?! Y'all could've fooled everyone."

"We get that a lot. Want me to take you to them to verify?" I smile. I'm not annoyed but this happens quite often. I'm on the verge of a mini laugh again.

"No need, but I wouldn't mind dancing with the both of you," this chick - well they're presenting as a chick, so they're a chick today - says with a wink.

"I'll lead the way m'lady." I hold out my arm to match my speech pattern.

"Pardon the interruption but the lady would like a dance with you Dakota," I interrupt not caring.

Dakota half ignores us, "You can see I'm busy."

The guy that Dakota's dancing on interjects, "I don't mind sharing or dancing with your friend here in the meantime." The guy then continues to check me out and the lady.

The chick encourages, "So, dance as a group? That is if the two besties are comfortable with it?"

Dakota reassures them, "We are down with that. We are comfortable with a lot lady. Why should anyone be uncomfortable dancing and expressing themselves?"

And with that, we started dancing the night away. This was actually the most fun I've had at any club that I can remember. I probably shouldn't ask Dakota what they're up to because they probably went out of their way to make sure I had a good last night out, and that's something.

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