23: History

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Nobody's POV:
Silence fell over the place as Phana heard her fathers name from a stranger.

"How... how do you know my father." She finally asked him having enough of the confusion. "He was my brother." He simply answered.

She was shocked "was? Is he dead?" She asked another question.

"Yes he is. No one else can live if he isn't there and I don't know how you can just sit there knowing your fathers dead and you won't do anything about it!" He yelled.


"Hey Dad?" The 5 year old Phana said said rubbing her eyes with one hand.
She was walking through town with her dad who was holding her hand.

Her dad had short brown hair blue eyes and always a smile in his face.

"Yes Phana?" He asked stopping in his tracks.

"Why do people hate me?"

Just a year ago Phana learned her sleep and wool magic from a magic  book store. Because of her sleep magic she couldn't control her sleeping schedule.

One day she was walking in a forest on her own when she started loosing consciousness. A monster came running her way at the same time.

Lera her mother popped up out of nowhere and saved her but sadly died at it.

Everyone in her village loved her mother and when the village found out that she died they all blamed little old Phana for it.

They banned the magic book she learned her magic from and ignored the little girl.

"I don't know. It's not your fault she died." He answered picking her up and walking back to their home.

One night Phana and her father were peacefully sleeping in their house when the towns people broke in.

They chased them out of their village without another thought.

"Get out of here!"

"We don't want you!"

"You killed Lera!"

Phana heard many more insult from the villagers.

Just to their luck they got separated when they were chased out of the village called Sern.

Phana found herself alone and scared of all people so she stayed in the forest she landed in and started training her magic.

For 11 years she trained alone in the forest. Now 16 she decided to make her way to a town nearby. Magnolia.

Flashback end...

"I won't do anything about it because he wouldn't want me or you to kill people for his death." She answered her bangs covering her eyes.

"I guess I have no choice." He said. All of the sudden Lily, Amare, Amoli and Carla started attacking us.

"He controlled them!" Wendy concluded dodging a snake from Amoli.

"We have to beat Gowen!" Happy yelled trowing fish in every direction possible.

Wendy charged at Gowen "Fist of wind!" Wendy summoned. She punched Gowen in the stomach sending him flying at Phana.

"Fist!"  I called out. The fist also  punched him straight in the stomach sending him flying back at Wendy.

They continued to pung him back and forth until he yelled and threw a knife at Phana.

It cut her left arm but there wasn't any poison on it. Now he was standing between the two with a dark expression on his face.

"Don't forget about us!" Glace yelled from behind them. He shot ice in a different direction when Gowen was teleported in the same direction by Seals magic.

Gowen got hit with the magic as he fell on the ground. He struggled to get back up when fish buried him.

It didn't really do anything because he got back up. A sword struck him from behind.

He lost control of the four. Magic was everywhere as all if them were attacking the man.

"Shooting star!"

"Blue wave!"

"Snake dance!"

And many more.

The man was somehow still standing but that would change soon.

Wendy walked up to him having enough of all of this. She took a deep breath preparing for a final attack. "Sky dragon: Roar!" She attacked the scarred man.

Gowen was now laying on the floor unconscious with even more bruises than before...

The guild stood there panting when a light appeared and shown were all the towns people.

The small girl, the doctor, the old lady and the fisher man were all there.

"Thank you." Were the final words that people if the village said before vanishing completely.

"They were all dead?" Saya mumbled.
"You killed all of them!" Aliqua was just as angry as the others.

Soon after the man got arrested for his crime if killing the whole village...

Finally I'm over with this. Just to your information the final fights will soon begin. Bye Fluffy's!!!!!

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