"I'll just get you a snack, wait for me?" He brought his hand up to my nape, I voluntarily lean in and meet his lips. We're making out with me on his lap. I press one last kiss before standing to leave. He held my hand so I turned to him.

"I love you." I chuckle, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"I love you."

I head out and had almost everyone staring at me. Maybe having their CEO date an intern is something beyond their imagination, it was for me too but now we're together. Kazuhiko gave me a smug look, pointing to my shirt.

She stood from her seat, linking her arm with me. I just brought her along with me to the break-room. I got a tray and looked at all of the snacks in the cupboards, he started telling people to stock pistachios. I guess I'll have that for him.

"You had sex in his office, didn't you?" She whispered to my ear, her breath sending chills down my spine. I give her a nod and she gasped. "How was it?" Girl, I do not want to talk about sex.

"I hate talking about it but, it felt good.. like it always did." I give her a smile, taking a mug to make myself coffee. "What do people think about me? Now that we're out of the bag.. They must really think that I seduced him.." I let out a chuckle, hearing her hum so I looked at her.

"No one's really talking about your relationship with him. I think you know what Kenma would be doing if someone spoke ill of you."

I smile to myself, thanking the heavens for having a boyfriend like him. I have really fallen for him, he's just really kind to me. Kenma showers me with love even during times I don't ask for anything. He'd cuddle with me, give me kisses.. comfort.

Kenma seemed like a jerk to me at first, especially during high school. He always ignored and avoided me, not even waving back whenever I give him one. But one thing that changed my perspective of him was when he was crying while he thanked me after the friendly match. When he comforted me when mom died..

I was scared of entering a relationship with him, aside from being popular and a CEO of a huge company.. I just thought that he was only loving me out of pity, every time I showed myself to him I was always crying.. I just thought that he wasn't serious.

If you were to get together with someone, only after having sex.. don't you think that it's kinda risky to enter that kind of relationship? You'll never know if they'd hurt you or, if they'd leave you because you lost value. You don't know if the person's only after your body..

I head back to Kenma's office and Kazuhiko continued working. When I got there, he was already tipsy. I place the tray on the coffee table, kissing my boyfriend before getting his hoodie from his drawer. He's shirtless. I wonder if anyone has seen him like this.

"Love slow down.." I wipe his cheeks with my thumb, brushing and tying his hair back so that he wouldn't be eating it. "Slow. Down."

He stared at me, tears streaming down his face. I started to panic, why is he even crying? "I'm sorry.. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you.." I furrow my brows, confused with his words. "I was never able to protect you.. I'm sorry.." He leaned his forehead on mine, pressing a kiss on my cheek before pulling away to drink more.

"I can't stop you now, can I?" I wipe his cheeks again, pressing a soft kiss on his lips. He tastes like Tequila. "Eat a snack?" I take a biscuit and feed him.

He continued to drink and I couldn't do anything about it. I instead cleaned his office for him, it's kinda messy and I want to do something as his girlfriend. I picked up the trash off the floor, throwing every unnecessary thing to the trash bin. I checked if the papers were important before throwing them, don't want to fight all of a sudden.

Memoria. | Kozume KenmaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora