The Unraveling (part 3) END

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*Play the above music in the paragraph in which I had mentioned 'Play now'. *

Zaara's pov

It's been a hour since zahir left me in the tent. Nothing felt or happened right after that. Now me sitting in front of my injured dad. It's just a minor leg injury but, something in me says that it is a bad omen!. I never took things happening around  in a way that it has some meaning or information for me but, today things are not going in the way I planned. I thought of surprising the brothers but, they are themselves a great shock for the people around them. My dad requires a medical assistance. It's not a bad injury but, for his age it is good enough to make him lay in the bed for hours. Nobody knows how he fell into that pit, which was right next to their  tent, for a fact no one know why there was a pit created nearby the tent.... Workers didn't... then who?....

"Is this Zaara Hamza? ". For the first time in months someone addressed me with my surname. Yes Hamza is my surname!.

"yes". I turned around and got up from my chair which was placed near my dad's bed.

" we have made all the necessary arrangements for the journey to luxor because your, dad needs medical surveillance under the right doctors". I don't know who it was, maybe one of archaeologists but, I have got no time to think about it.

" so I will accompany him, let's move".

" I'm really sorry to say zaara but, you can't accompany him".

" why can't I, I can't leave him all alone in this situation. He needs me!!!".

" yes I can understand your concern but,  somthing went wrong in the jeeps in which we came here, all the jeeps are undergoing a starting problem , maybe the engines are over heated due to the hot desert weather. So we are taking him in helicopter. Only three can board at a time. You don't have to worry I will take care of him ".

" ok". That's all I could find as an answer. Bad omens..... Jeeps aren't starting..... Dad's injury.... Weird feelings!!!. I started to feel strongly that there is something wrong happening. I was able to sense in but, no proof or reason to state it strongly.

We moved out of the tent for a while, waiting for that one call stating that "the helicopter has arrived". Dad was sleeping, I was clearly able to see the pain in his face even when he was sleeping. The age wrinkles now has got some fade pain wrinkles in his aged head.

From a long distance I was able to see a familiar figure heading towards our tent in a steadfast manner. Then another behind it. Yes... Its them. For a moment I thought of running away from there but, it is a insane idea, why did I even think of it. I felt like I don't want to face Zahir as if I hurtled him a lot. But did I ?. That unknown man was accompanying me so, nothing can go wrong out of boundaries anyway!!! .

Zahir's pov

" should I really have to meet her akhe?".

" hey zahir cmon act like a man and be like man, you are scared of her?. Maybe she would ask some questions to the maximum".

" For godsake don't act strange in front of her. Don't be too cool or don't be too tensed. Okay!!!".

" yeah... I will try".

" This is not gonna workout.... I think I'm the one who is going to get into a great problem which is standing some feets apart".


" you have that two holes in your head right.....the so called 'Eyes' of yours.... Use them at least when it is needed. Lookout straight, that tent ,that's were we are heading".

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