why is he so enigmatic?

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I dumped all the stuffs in the bag as much as I can !. It was bloated and at the risk of exploding . We made our way back to the uni . Zahir was munching and stuffing chocolates and cupcakes in his mouth . We were walking to our blocks , I noticed yasmeen waiting for me . Then I remembered  the text message from her .

" I am really really !!!! Sorry yasmeen I went for a sho...." Yasmeen interrupted .

" I hope you are free now!!!". Her voice was rude . She was looking at zahir with such anger in her eyes!.she didn't Even speak a word with him .

" Then I think I should leave now girls ..... Thanks for your chocolate treat zaara!!!". He went .

We both walked to the cafeteria . She didn't say a word , explaining her rude behavior towards zahir . I know that she will definitely be having some explanation for this . All I have to do is to wait until she opens up!. I decided to go for a cup of coffee . We took our cups and sat in a table.

" You know what yasmeen things between me and zahir are totally normal now ". I said it with excitement.

" He has been lying to us all this time ". She said this without looking into my face!.

"What do you mean by that ?". I was perplexed by her words.

"You said things are going smooth between you guys , am I right !?".

"Yeah till now it is good but......". I was confused why yasmeen was angry towards zahir and every word she uttered felt like a riddle!!!.

" Zahir and we both became thick as thieves within few days but , there's a reason why zahir is after us !!".

"Yasmeen will  you stop speaking in riddles and come to the point!!".

" I found why zahir is in grudge with Akhenaten , Akhenaten is none other than zahir's very own brother . They are studying in the same uni but , they behave like strangers!!!".

" Are you serious or it is any kind of practical joke !".

" It's not a joke I am serious . They maybe having some misunderstanding and arguments in between them but, there is something very serious reason ,why  zahir and Akhenaten are acting like strangers !!!. Fight and violence are common in-between brothers but , this think is very serious !!!".

" How did you come to know about this ?".

" Well I came to know by one of  Akhenaten's Best Fri , infact they are the ones with whom I am working ".

"What do you think the reason behind this !!!".

" Not sure what could be the reason but , he is after us for some reason because, do you remember the first day we met him ?".

"Yeah I do".

"Actually we didn't start any kind of conversation with him . He introduced himself . Above all , he was not interested in talking with me , he was keen in knowing about you !!!".

I was driven back to the incident happened !.

" The very crazy thing to hear is , I have never seen him in public spots of our university like, park , library, pathway except for the cafeteria that to only when you were present !".

"Mmmm" I didn't had any reply !.

" If I am right zahir is not after us , he is after you for some serious reasons".

" That's why I urged to see you today . When I saw him with you I was worried !!!".

"Shall we ask about this to him , what is the reason to hide this from us !".

" No we should not ask but, we should make him to say by himself ".

" Yasmeen but I am ready to take the audacity of asking him , just now the things got normal between us but , you are complicating it again !!!".

" Zaara listen .we think that we are aware of him totally. A story with no flaws but , there is a lacuna !."

"Which explains!?"

"The story of his life and family was said by him , again we didn't ask for it !!".

"So what?".

"I hope you remember that day in canteen when he said about Osiris . He said we can't totally accept everything from the movie 'gods of the Egypt'. "

" So what is this thing is going to do with him ?".

" He clearly stated that the movie has only used the myth that, Horus kill's set and that is true . The other parts of the movie are imaginative scripts and characters which were developed by the director ".

"OMG stop this thing and say me your opinion please !!!!!".

" He is exactly doing what he said . The words had come from his mind . He didn't say everything about him Half true and the other half..... God knows. His parents and family stuffs are true , what he hide's is his true self !. He had used the facts of his family and created his own life story !.

"Yasmeen I think you are complicating things !"

"I am not . He is the one who is complicated as rocket science but acts so normal. He is far more than our imagination zaara !".

" What are trying to say that he is a ghost like you did that day trying to console me but ...... Scared me !".

" Zaara I am serious about this shit!!!". She became furious.

" Ok ok some of your ideas are real facts about him ....maybe .!"

" Not some . Most of the ideas are facts about him ".

" So... Who do you think he is ?".

" That is the lacuna of the story zaara..He is an enigmatic person ".

" Why should he be an enigmatic guy , what could be probably a big reason dealing with a 18 year old kid ".

" 18 year old ? Kid? Haha .... Only he knows what is his actual age !".

" Maybe not a kid !!!! But we should find it right ,what is he even dealing with ?".

" Yes we will definitely , he will say the truth by himself , which is coming within few days !."

" How are you so sure about it ?"

" Again a incident from past . Do remember him saying that he will take us to the expedition site?. If he takes us we will definitely meet Akhenaten over there then, he will be pushed to a situation of explaining Akhenaten's presence over there !".

" Exactly it is going to be a uphill battle but , if our guess is right he will get caught one day !".

"Yes". She said it with  confidence in her voice.

By the time we were discussing it was quarter to 9 so we had our lunch in the cafeteria .  I reached the room by quarter past 9. Even though yasmeen sounded weird she was right !. He is far more than our imagination . He is able to sense and identify each and every moves of us !. I started remembering some of the incident happened . The day in cafeteria when me and yasmeen were whispering ear to ear silently ,he was able hear exactly what we were talking without any misunderstandings. Then he is able to find me exactly where I am at any instance like he has an GPS tracker on me . Most suspicious of all, when I cried in the cafeteria when he was leaving , he suddenly turned to see me for no reason as if he saw me crying. Definitely he won't be able to hear my sobe from that far !. Even that hieroglyphic chant supported his ossifying character !.

Zaara is on a mission of finding zahir's true self . Little did she know what she is going through !. Will she realise atleast after this !!!.

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