Moving from luxor

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Bzzz... Bzzz... Before the alarm goes on , the generator of anxiety in me started its job of letting me stay in the state of freakiness for the whole day. "Zaara....! Get ready soon it's the day you are moving to Cairo". A voice far from was echoing in my ears , yes it was my mom who is on the process of getting me prepared for the long journey to my dream university .
Me being an introvert it was quite difficult to think of moving from Luxor to an unknown land which is far away from my own bubble of comfort and happiness.
My dad was making the efforts to make me feel comfortable for my long travel in the car along with him .Mom was packing snacks and other supplements needed for the long travel.
I equally floated in the emotion of excitement and anticipation but, I was quite sure about one thing . That I am going to lead a lifestyle which I always dreamt ever since I was a high schooler .
Being independent is not so easy as an American or British teen . It has always costed my parents trust and the courage in me to face the society alone as an Egyptian teen. I have never hanged out with my friends for a night clubbing or even parties . The people they don't recognize me if I refuse to say my surname . My surname have always followed my name which again have always destroyed my true self identity . This shows how independent I was before . I don't know whether this is one of those reasons which made me an introvert .
"Zaara are you ready or not yet !!!"a voice echoed in my ear which brought me back to reality from a sequence of imagination about my uni life .
I climbed down stairs and before jumping into the car with the extra load of mixed feelings in my heart ,I went straight upto my mom and gave her the good bye kisses and hugs who was in the verge of breaking down in tears .
All my confusion and struggles vanished by that few moments with her . Definitely I will miss her a lot and promised each to come in face time whenever possible.
We started our journey from Luxor to Cairo .My dad was singing almost all the Hamaki's songs while traveling and I was trying to call one of my all time buddy .
By the end of the day we reached Cairo . As my dad was tired of driving for the whole day he decided to stay till the next day morning as it was the case with me , decided to check in my uni room the next day morning .

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