The stranger's arrival

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Zzzzz....Zzzzz...... I was in deep sleep . As I had toast the before night , I felt thirsty pretty much . I was battling with my eyelids , because I was not able to open my eyes ,it was like someone glued my eyes together when I was sleeping . After a great battle I managed to open my eyes.My bed was facing the door so , I was able to have a sleepy glance at my door and I freaked , I started sweating, my heart beat was beating like a time bomb , because I forgot to lock my door and it was wide open . I didn't move even a little bit after noticing a thing which was even more shocking . Seriously I didn't know how to react for what I was seeing . I remained inside my sheet . A 6 feet high figure was standing beside the door and it was leaning over the table near the door . It was standing facing me , don't know whether it was seeing me,but I was able to feel the same gaze which I experienced before and I was not able to capture the face clearly as I curtained all the windows and switched off my night lamp. I didn't make a try to switch on the lights because I don't want to get things worse .I was waiting and wondering how did that figure even make it to my room all alone crossing the security. For sure I know it was not a female I made it through by witnessing the structure of the figure . I just opened my eyes, I didn't even make a slightest movement ,I was seeing it. The room smelled so good that I literally falled for it . The smell was totally different and I have never smelled such good scent before.It smelled royal , I totally forgot that a stranger was accompanying me in the room.
" hello zaara , looks like you were in deep sleep and didn't notice me coming". I jumped out of my that instance,when I tried to switch on the lamp my leg got twisted with the sheet . I lost my control and fell down , it was hurting a lot but, I managed to switch over the lights on . Again there was no one and additionally the Door was locked perfectly!!!.The smell vanished!!!!.
It was 3 in the morning . I was not able to patch up what did happen a few minutes ago . The lights remained glowing!.so many questions were bulldozing my brain into parts!. I don't know who was that person !. Why did my room smelled so good and vanished as like the person !. I didn't sleep after that and didn't expect the stranger to be my Savior !!!!.
It was 6 I rushed out of my room . Didn't consider having breakfast Even though when I was starving. I sprinted to the receptionist and complained what happened the before night.she asked me to check this with the security room CCTV footages . When I queried the guard of our block he replied "I really don't think such things can happen because I checked the footages there is no one as you are saying entered the block and I personally was awake the before night till the morning . I didn't see any one entering the block as you are saying!" . These words from the security made me hopeless and down . I asked "is there any other way we could enter this block ". He replied "no this is the only entrance this block has".The receptionist asked me to write a complaint letter regarding the incident happened if I wish so. yes I did write a letter regarding the issue and dropped it in the complaint box of our uni.
I was up against the clock , I have to hurry to my lecture hall . It was quater to 9 . When I entered my lecture hall the lecture already started . I silently went and sat beside yasmeen . She looked worried about me . She silently asked me " why were you late did you vomit or do something else awful " she giggled . But when she noticed me being dazed she stopped and said "I will talk to you later you look disturbed and there must be something important". I didn't respond . The lecture didn't made me feel as interesting as it was yesterday!!!!. I was not able to focus , I was driven to the incident happened whenever I try to focus . Once again !!!!! I was able feel the same gaze intensely!!!!.All the things happening around me was getting into my nerves. I hissed out of frustration so loudly that even the lecturer was able notice me getting disturbed. Yasmeen gave me a look which I didn't see her doing it since I met her , she looked worried about what was happening to me . I just realised that she is not only a giggle mug but also a great person to accompany when I go high strung.
The lecturer asked me "miss . Zaara do you want to have a break ,if yes you can take a short break " I just rushed out of the place were I was seated because I just want to get rid off the environment, it made me feel weak and confused. I just walked to the library ,took a book and sat in the verge of breaking down in tears . "Zaara why are you here , buddy anything wrong you look pale and ashen "yes it was yasmeen . She even left the class and came to know what was happening . I didn't expect this . Ever Since I was a high schooler whenever I faced emotional and mental breakdown there was no one around me to console, everyone were palsy-walsy friends but, yasmeen was not one of that kind . I had a gut feeling that she will be with me in the excruciating time's. Even though she is annoying and talkative , she was able to understand the pain which I was going through without me muttering anything about it ."Hey zaara what did happen I am talking to you and why do you even give me that stare " . I replied "I am hungry shall we have lunch together " . She looked at me as if I cursed her badly . She said " do you even know at what circumstances and situation I escaped from the hall? You are just saying me that you are sad because you are hungry" " I didn't see you going savage out of hunger , you were sad and frustrated in the hall". I was surprised and said " Did you just say me that you escaped ". She said " yes literally I escaped from the hall without getting caught by the lecturer and don't ask me how ,it was a great Amazon adventure in between the stinky socks under the table". I laughed !!!.she asked me to explain what was disturbing me while having lunch. So we moved to the cafeteria but, our bag was in lecture hall so we decided to go to the hall. Everyone were rushing out of the hall it looked the lecture was over so, we merged as one among the peanuts and sneaked into the hall. Grabbed our stuffs together and we went to the cafeteria. The cafeteria was deserted only few were seated. we decided to have a bowl of mixed veggies and apple juice. " Lets break the silence and tell me what happened atleast now " yasmeen yelled at me . I started" just a disclaimer that somethings may look weird and piffle and you may even can come to a conclusion that I was lying that I was not autism child....." . She Said " will you just stop beating around the bushes and say what the heck is really happening and I didn't till accept that you were not a autism child did I say you? ......just jk" she was definitely getting crazy."yasmeen I am sorry I didn't say you this before , yesterday when we were on our lectures I felt a strange change in me, I was able to feel that someone was watching me so intensely. You may think that I imagined but believe me or not I felt it twice again . After completing our lectures we were on our walk towards the room ,even at that time I was able to feel it . After this two incidents nothing seemed suspicious but, what happened yesterday night is haunting me and ruining my peace " I stopped in-between, I was even scared to explain what had happened the before night. She asked me "what .....did you vomit and feld over it......or someone came and spoke to you so enthusiastically what big could have happened these are the two big things that can ruin everything " she was joking on me . I Said" just stop joking on me , even you would have terrified if the same thing happened to you that night. There was a stranger standing in my room and staring at me when it was around 2:45. The room doors were wide open . As it was dark I was not able to have a clear vision of the person . I assumed that it was a male of 6 feet and I cleared it by the voice". "Voice ? Did he speak to you ? Asked yasmeen. " Yes yasmeem he even knows my name " he said "hello zaara looks like you were in deep sleep and didn't notice me coming " these are the exact same words . Yasmeen looked confused but she was making herself clear and was wondering who was it . I continued " before me could switch on the lights he disappeared and the wide open door were perfectly closed " . "Where you that slow zaara , he escaped before you could switch on the lights?"."yasmeen actually I tried to jump out of my bed after him completing but , my leg was twisted with the sheet which I didn't notice so I fell down before I could switch on the lights .After getting up he vanished". So I added...." There was a scent which was so mesmerizing , even it made me forget that there was someone in the room, it smelled royal , it made me feel differently which I have never felt . The smell vanished suddenly as he did" . Yasmeen again confused " zaara are you worried that there was someone in your room that night or are you regreting that you didn't ask for the perfume name from him". "Yasmeen if you experience it ,you will even feel the same way as I did". Yasmeen continued" did you make any complaint ". "Yes even I checked with the CCTV footages but there was no one caught". "You poor girl I don't know how to react" yasmeen felt it as if it happened to her .Even though she mocks and comment on me she was serious about this incident and I was able to see it through her face. Even when she refused to say it in words she decided to show it in action!!!. We continued eating our lunch . Suddenly a message from nowhere jumped into my phone . It was a unknown number!!!. Yasmeen continued eating she didn't mind about the notification. I didn't tell anything, decided to see what was that . The text was freaking and I just dropped my spoon into the bowl which I was about to have. Noticing it yasmeen asked me what happened . " Hello zaara are you shocked that there was a stranger in your room yesterday . Don't worry it was me !!!!!". This is what the text was . I showed it to yasmeen and we looked at each other in great shock.He knows my name , my number ...... But who is he????. Do I know him before!!!!.

Mysteries from her past has started its journey of following her ... And it will follow till her mission is accomplished .....
But she didn't realise who she is ...till now !!!

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