Chapter 4

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Author Here!

Here's another update! Btw, how you doing?

PS. Update's every week.



"Babe, I heard you were targeting the transfer student specifically that Minerva person?" Vulcan, my boyfriend asked.

"They're reincarnation children. I'm sure Minerva is." I answered as shortly as possible.

I'm not really in the mood to talk right now especially when some girl bad fingered me and smirked. Really, how childish. I know I shouldn't be affected by it, but such filthy language isn't really my cup of tea. I'm not really in a position to be angry since I said the word bitch to Minerva.

It's very unpleasant, the "f word" that is but I guess animals like her shouldn't know any better.

Thinking about that made my mood lighter. Then, I remembered that I had been bad to Minerva. I was trying to help them, with me fake bullying them, they'd be less targeted. That's what I've been doing to the other transfers like them.

I remembered Jenny, she hated me but before she went abroad she was thankful to me since I was less violent than others.

I still remembered that I slapped Minerva that noon. I felt bad. My body just acted on it's own because of a recent stalker I've been encountering. What did she mean by she likes my touch, don't tell me she's crazy in there. Is she a masochist? I hope not. She's going to become one of my problems if she is.

"I still can't believe you're the reincarnation of Hephaestus. You're so good-looking that all girls want you." I said, trying to have a decent conversation with him. Somehow, my mood lightened. With him by my side, I was sure that I was safe.

I was surprised at first, especially that he is the reincarnation of Hephaestus, the ugliest Greek God. This makes me wonder if Hephaestus was really ugly because as a reincarnated child when we get our powers which is part of who are Greek God is. Vulcan would've been ugly instead of handsome. I really feel guilty of dating him while only thinking of him as a friend.

"What do you think about the new transfers in the school?" I asked Vulcan.

He touches his chin thinking for an answer like he always does. I wonder if he is aware of his actions. I ought to be more careful since girls mostly hate me. Well, with the arrival of those two, I might not be the center of their attention anymore.

"I think they're going to be targets of bullies. I mean look at you." Vulcan said with a grin.

"With you bullying them, they'd be better off than having many bullies. I hope one day, you can be openly nice to people. You don't show any emotion when being nice and what's up with that bitchy attitude you have whenever we're at school." Vulcan continued.

I really like how he is very frank when he talks especially when he's sharing his opinions. He's not fake unlike the others.

"Thank you." I said and kissed him on the cheek.

"I'll wait for that day. I'll be honest, even when we're not dating, I'd still be your friend you know. It'd be troublesome to have a girlfriend and be a friend to you. Girls can be very jealous since I'll always choose you. You've been through enough especially after losing your grandmother. I'll stay until you've met someone."

"I already know you don't have hots for me." He said with a smile.

He's really nice. I don't deserve him. I was about to say something when he suddenly spoke again.

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