I kissed him.

"Fuck i want you" i whispered.

"Love lunch is near your parents said they will be back at lunch" he said.

I sit on him and he lifts half of his body he moved backwards carrying me he leaned on the headboard.

Fuck i really want it now.

I kissed him and we both are lost.

But back to earth when there is a strong knock on the door.

"Wake up! Bothe your parents are here." Nanny said,

"I am awake now" i said.

"Then come emmidiately." She said.
I stand and peak on the window she walks towards the big house.

Pavel hugged me from mh back.

"Are we gonna tell them?" He asked.

"We should and i am not happh about it, it causes me trounles and what ifs in my brian." I said.

He kissed my neck.

"Love they are waiting" i said as i gasp for air.

"Let us go then before i undress you and have you" he whispered.

We had a great make out before we proceed to the big house.

I let him carry the box.

Four eyes looked at us.
I sense something.

"So you are back without seeing us?" Mae said.

Pavel put the box on the table center and went to his parents.
"Sorry Mae, Por," he said and kissed their cheeks.

I greeted them all.

"You guysfigured it out?" Dad asked excited.

"Are we being played?" I asked.

"No sweetie, we jsut want you guys to kniw what you reallh feel na. But when Pavel said he is ready to give you the ring, i asked hom and delayed it many times. Untill he stormed to me and said he will trade everything just to put that ring on you" Mae saud.

"We want you to know everything, but what did you disvover on your own?" Mom asked.

Pavel and i lookdd at each other. We opened the boxand opened the secret pocket and gave them the documents.
We closed the secret pocket and get our own rings and put it on it's place.

"This is not updated right?" Por asked.

"Yeah i think this two are doubled by now and this here is trippled." Dad siad.

Pavel and i looked at each other.

"You really knkw about this Por?" Pavel asked in a bit mad vouce.

"We all do baby" mom said.

Pavel looked at me and hold my hand.

"We have nothing to do witn this. We careless about this." Pavel said.

They all looked at each other.

Mom looked at me.

"I think they think we will interfere on this" mom said,

Dad sighed.

"Sons, we are excited for you na, even your garand mothers  areexcited for the two of you. That is why we aare asking you for how many times of what you reallh wnat and decide for. And this you discovered it on your own na." Dad said.

"We will not ask anything but for happiness na. And this is just a bonus" Por said.

I sighed again.
We cannot hate them.
We cannot be mad at them

In fact we thank them for being our cupids.

I am a cassaniva but stopped it for Pavel. Yes it is me who decided ti choose him.

"Dad, Mom, you know how much i love your son. And nothing of these wil affect the feeling i have for him. In fact i have my own living not many but i think can help us both with our future." Pavel bravely said.

Our parents looked at ecah other.

"We all know sons, money can buy love sometimes but both of you are rooted deeply before knowing abouth this box." Mae said.

"And it should nit change anything na." Por said. The four of them placed the ocuments on the table and hugged us both.

"Let us think of that later, for now let us feed our sweeties stomach" Mom said.

"Wait thai not mine." I protested.

"It is okay love" Pavel saud and hold me and we walked to the dinning.

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