stay please.

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Pavel's POV

"Concerning Poyy?" I asked him when we reached mh apartment after we eat dinner.

He looked at me and shake his head.

He moved closer to me and pecked on my cheek.
His other hand tapped my other cheek.

"I love you and you only"
He whispered.

I hide my smile.

He hang his hands on my shoulders.

"I just give him what he needs to suthe Poyy na, he was been sulkinh since i saw him aftr New Year's break na." He said softly.

I am holding his waists and we are like dancing in the small living room of my apartment.

He leaned his head on me.

"I can hear your heart beat" he said.

I hugged him tighter.

And kiss his head.

I like this moment.

I coose my eyes and savour it.

"Babe..." he said softly.

"Mm" i said.

"Send me back later na. My car is your college." He said.

"It is now in ypur dorm, i steal your keys when i kiss you in the hazing ground." I said.

He looked at me and let go of me then looked for his keys.

"Sweetheart, "
There is a blow of horn then a knock.

Poyy he gave Dome's jeys.

He smiled at both pf us and said goodbye. Then he left.

Then a car leave.

"Poyy and Cooper" i said.

I hold Dome's keys and showed him.

I sit beside him.

"Stay for the night." I asked.

"I told you earlier i have another quiz tomorrow" he said.

I leaned my head on the sofa.
I am starled when he hovered over me.
Kissed my forehead to my nose.

"What do you want?" He asked.

"I want my keys back." He said and kissed me.

"You know what i want sweetheart" i said.

"After thisl." He says while moving his fongers from my side to my neck then slowly unbottoning my shirt.
"Can i heve my keys back?" He said and kissed me.

"Dome.. i moaned.

"Can i?" He asked.

"Stay" i said.

"I cannot.... mmm."

We speak between kisses.

"Please ..." i pleaded.

He looked me.

"Do whag you want while iam herethen send me back later." He said.

"I wang you the whole night cuddling you." I requested.

"Babe we talked about this na." He said.

I pulled him and rolled our position.
Hus legs spread and i am in the midle.
Ithen lift him and carried him to my room. He kisses me while i do.

"Dome..please..." i requested.

"Nit tonight babe." He said,

"When will i have you all to myself " i asked.

Second PriorityOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora