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I wish i can give an award to the first reader on every part. Someone is an early bird.
But i am not also sure if that person is the first one also who hit the star.

Well you know yourselves.
Thank you so much dear.♥


Pavel's POV

An adventure that is waht i have.

Adventire to venture new friends without Dome.

Adbenture to go on a road bike with my seniors and some of co- freshmen.
Sometimes we go and cahse the sunset. And goes home after sunrise.

Sometimes we go find local foods outside BKK.

Sometimes we go chase sunset by the ocean and went home when the sun is down.

But everytime i see the beautiful scenes and taste good food, new dishes thta i have nit tried beforem or new fussion to whta i've knkwn.

I wish Dome also tasted it i wish Dome have also seen what i saw.
So i capture evrything and placed it on my laptop.

The collectikns i have.

J miss him.

All throuh my life since intermidiate till senior highschool. I share everything with him in actual or in stories.

In our journey witb my engineering friends we also get into trouble.

Again i remember Dome.

We used to fight together back then, but now,

I fight with new buddies.

And not with him back to back.

With Dome fighting scumbags are easier for we know how to move together supporting each other. We got each other's back.

I just smirk as tend my own wound. While back then we tend each other's bruises and laugh about it.

As i taste new food i kniw which he will like or which he will add some ingreadients or condiments on it and i try it. Like adding lemon or vinegar on any dish with fried ingredient.
Lime on some plain soup.
My friends see it and tries it also.

I kight have this new ventures with my new friends.

But i always bring him with me in my heart.
How would he like it or how would he capture it.

I have not noticed. It is enrollment for second semester.

Ig has been a montb since i last talked to him. I always see him but in a distance.

I asked a favor form my bnew friends that if they have date with their partners just leave and do nit bring them in or do not bringbme with them.

I avoided Dome.

Yes i was and still avoiding him.

I wish i wil, not bump into him as i enroll.
And so i did not see him.

I went home botn lone lh and okah with it.

I ate lunch.

I was to have a nap for tonight me and my buddies will have a drink.

But an unending knock on my door..

It annoys me so much.

"What the hell do you...." i stopped shouting as i saw who is knocking.

Second Priorityजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें