
486 23 2

Dome's POV

My head acnes as  i wake up.



And waht time did i went home? 2 am. Good thing Vee and Bar watches the gate lasg night. Ghey let me in. And gold thing it is not Pavel or i would be in trouble.

Still i know he will knkw aboutnit.
But atleast he did not saw me.

And speaking of mh flirty best friend.
He texted.

Good luck with headache doc.

Nothing more.

Maybe he is used to it. But still i am not.

I just have fun but i reallg miss him.
So bad.

My phone vibrated.


"What is up?"

Have you forgotten?


Never mind what time did you came back?


Fien, in case you forget and you can manage to come,
Today is  entrance orientatiln and later is entrance exams for the incoming first years?


My head ache is gone real fast.

"Ben, i will try na.."
I hang the phone and run to the bathroom.

I shkwered quickly, but made sure i am clean.
Then i make my morningbroutine and made myself presentable.
Representing the college of Medicines,

Grabbed my body bag where my keys and phone are safe with my wallet.
Walked towards the elevator.

I smiled at the people inside.

"College of medicines. I wonder if new students are interested in the study of meds or the their sophomores and seniors." One of them commented.

"It can be both" i said.

He just smiked and shook his head. He is firat year also college of Sciences,

We nod at each other as we separate his name is Fluje this year's moln of Xpsciences. 2nd rjnner up, oh Beanjamin is the King and Pavel ks 1st runner up.

I saw Fluke's direction. To the moons. 12 of them are here.


I walked towards the crowd and found Nine.
"Are they not enough?"
I asked Nine.

"Why you worn out lasg again? You rpomised Ben, we promised so we are here."
Nine said.

"Look Mark, Poy and Gun aren't they enough? Plus Benjamin." I said.

"Well my friend smike and show thta dimples," Nine said.

I rollled my eyes.

"Isn'g that great? The whole gang is here"Nine said.

The six of us ride the medical emergency van and took us to themain gymn of the university.

We are to interview and help the incoming students those who will take the entrance exam and will inquire. Everyone is welcome in our colllege but ofcourse our job is to convince them.

"How can i convince people if i did not even convinced my best friend." I said annoyed.

"Okay" Bnjamin said.
"What time did you make it this morning?" He asked me.

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