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Pavel's POV

As days goes by. Rwports come to me that Dome came late at night almost every night. Sometimes he is alone, sometimes he he is with his friends.

I juat shook my head and sw.allow the agony of jealousy.

I aaid he can have all the girls and he is fucking soing it!

Damn me.

As long as they are girls.


I walked out of my apartment, juat wlaking and somwone bumped into me. Mark?

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked.

"I am to come to you.. and.. ask.. " he said shyly.

"Okay, come in." We wlak in my apartment and i gave him water.

"Pavel.. is Vee. A gay? Or bi or something?" He asked a bit shy still.

I texted Leam to come over he is just few houses away.

"I don't thinknhe is. He is not interested in other man except.. why you asked?" I cahnged emmidiately.

"He is kinda different this past few days, he is like a possessive jackass an di am not even a girl." Mark said.

Knock on my door.

"No wories that is just Leam." I said and get the door.

I let Leam in.

"Did Vee hurt you" Leam asked.

Mark shook his head.

"Do you know somwthing?" I asked.

"Yeah, i told him he is too strict, Merk is not even his nong. Pabel what the hellmis wrong with that guy?" Leam asked.

I served them snack.

"Let us take a picturw" i said. I opened my camera.
"Leam a bit closer to Mark so we can see the snack."
I said and took a puctuew.

Send it to Vee.

"I have an experiment. Mark did you just wlak your way here?" I asked.

"Yeah, me and the gang are in a pub near here but, Vee came and we hada litke argument so i run from him." He siad.

"Leam use my motor, i will wait for that jack ass here he is coming.  Go the other way so you won't meet him. Send Mark home safe." I said and give Leam my keys.

"No, my car is kn the pub and i need to see the gang." Matk said.

"Okay i will bring you there." Leam said and they are off to go.

I waited for less that ten minutes and Vee is on my door step.

He entered the open door looking for someone.

"Sit down Vee." I commanded.

"Are you trying to get heart or trying to get on his nerves?"
I asked.

Vee sighed.

"You do not have the right to do that." I said.

"I know." He aaid,

"He is safe now."

"Did Leam send him?" Vee asked madly.

"If any of us will send Mark home the safest person is Leam, he is not like us. He is the only staright among us five. So get your act and heart in one before i kick your ass. " i said in mad voice.

"I .. kissed him.. forcely..." he cofessed.

"Asshole" i said,

"As if you are better than me." He aiad,

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