Leam's plea.

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Dome's POV

As the days gone by i am tempted to text him. But stsopped myself for doing so.

Never seatched for his phoyos, never searched for his social media.

Even Leam i did nit text or asked him.

Pavel can drive now, it has beedn weeks. If he followe dthe prescriptions he might be better.

Nine said i am the worst best friend.
Ben is a bit better now.

He and Earth are enjoying their courtship stage.

Joong is still pursuing Nine.


I see deep blue javkwts.

I wish someone can shout engineers in the vacinity!

So i can hide.

I put my headset on.

I heard them call me, but i walked to my car and leave.

I went to my hiding place where i eat everytime they come.

I know they will discovet0r it someday or maybe yoday, so i will go somewhere else tomorrow.

I ordered my usual mela and eat in peace.

In the faculty of educatikn i am not known except their vollege moln of last year and his froends ofcourse.

But they do not disturb me. I eat there and leave,

Noone bothers me here.

I clean as i go so the students will still let me eat here. Someday.
I like ther pork bbq and chicken salsa.
They also make good fresh salads.

I drive back to my college and the engineers are still there. I ignored them again.
Joong pulled my headset.

I am on a self deense mode.

"Valm down na p"
He said.

I looked at his face and smiled

"Hey wazz up?!" I asked,

He frawned his face at me.

"What?" I asked.

"I know you avoid p' Pavel na... but pkease do not dump us we are also your friends na.." he said,

I ams peachless just smiled.

I cannot lie to this kid.

I sighed.

"Sorry na nong." I said.

"The guys miss you." He said.

I iust tap his shoulder na dwalked away.

I miss them also. Thya are cjaotic but being with them is much fun.

I wear a poker face.

Ben and Nine sat each of my side in the libtary.

"How is lunch?" Ben asked,

"Nice and good" i said.

"Did Pavel texted you?" Nine asked,

I shook my head and kept my silent.

They sighed.

I am again on my silent mode.

I miss myself also.
Am i regreting it?

No, i am doing well wuth my studies and i ho out no more.

Yeah call me monk i care not.

I said to myself i will not have anyone but him i will wait for two years for him.

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