under his care

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Pavel's POV

Dome is comoletelh manlh and strong. He msut have continued his work outs or gymn .or it is his adrenaline, that boost him to kick and maje double twist kick.

He is now completely naked in front of me. Bug i feel numb and painful at the same time.

We are both naked under the showers imitatingbthe rains drops. He smikeda t me begin to latherize me with liquid soap and sponge, avoidjng my stitches.

The he ckeaned himslef with soap as i rinse offf the soap on mh body later he joined ne unfpder the water and rinse off the soap on his body. He then placed both his hands on my shoukder faceing me.

"I amnthe on
Y man who will mark you. He aaid and sucked my nipple,

"Fuck! Dome!!!" I cursed.

He kissed me on my lips.

" i won't harm you." He said.

And kissed me genrly. My lefg hand pulled him closer.
"Babe, your wound." He whisper.
He cpturned off the water and grabbed a towel and drued me off and wrap the towel on my waist.

He get another one and do the same to himself.

He lead to sit on the edge of the bed.

"Wait here. I will get the medicines"  he then tended my wounds and covered it. Then he kissed me on my lips. A deep inviting one. That i cannot resist.

That i wanted for the last decade.
That i dream off at night.
That k long for.
Crave for.


Do me.
Do you what ever.

Can we have sex?

I groaned as he kiss me to neck and left shoulder. He also placed light kiss on top of the covers of my wound and kised me downwards.

He spread my leags and un tie the towel revieling my semj hardened staff.

"Relax babe. J will remove his momorha nd gjve yoj a giod one." He said and licked my tip.

I felt his mouth wrapped me and his head move as groaned. I can feel hjs troat.

"Fuck!" I shouted.

I layed on the bed. For i cannot suplkrt my body.

But my other hand. Holds on his hair.

He pelases me, kissing my bLls to my tip.

O moaned and groaned and call his name. Then he stopped.

I felt cold on my hardened meat, and he sit on it. Slowly he moved down and moved up and down.
He mlaned as he move.

"Dome.. love.., fuck!" I kouthed.

He smiles.

"Babe!!" He moaned and bit his lower lip. And cllsed his ehes.

I want him under me, but i feel like my half body is malfunctioning.

"Babe i can cum righg now," he said.

"Lo..vveee... " i said in gtoan and k am also cummkng.

He moved fast and i thrusted on him.


I really wanna hump on him so hard.

Then i released later i felt him also released.

He move off me and layed beside me.
He kissed me so lovingly.

He is a good kisser.

Well the cassanova is kissing me people.

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